ears.png - “ears” for fast navigation (left, right)
ears_arrow_l.png - left arrow
ears_arrow_r.png - right arrow
mb_table05.png - background of short non-active row (TV channel preview)
mb_table_act03.png - background of short active row (TV channel preview)
mb_table06.png - background of middle non-active row (Videoclub with cover)
mb_table_act04.png - background of middle active row (Videoclub with cover)
mb_table01.png - background of long non-active row
mb_table_act01.png - background of long active row
mb_icons.png - active and non-active mark (HD, SD, favorite, lock, number, folder, back)
mb_table07.png - background of non-active row in TV channel list section
tv_table.png - background of active and non-active row in EPG list
mb_table_act02.png - background of active row with separation (records, Videoclub)
mb_table02.png - background of non-active row with separation (light grey) for Videclub
mb_table03.png - background of non-active row with separation (grey) for Videoclub
mb_table04.png - background of non-active row with separation (dark grey) for Videoclub
tv_prev_bg.png - background of TV channel preview window
mb_prev_bg.png - background of film cover
mb_scroll_bg.png - background of scrollbar
mb_scroll.png - scrollhandle (scrollbar)
mb_table.png - background of non-active rows (for NTSC)
mb_table_act.png - background for active rows (for NTSC)