killall stbapp /usr/share/qt-4.6.0/stbapp -qws -display directfb http://<your_domain_or_ip>/stalker_portal/c/?debug
Put the file from the archive in the root directory of the USB drive.
cd /media/<name of USB-drive>/
set permissions
chmod a+x fbdump
Take a screenshot
./fbdump 1.png
dd if=/dev/fb0 of=/media/USB-123/1.raw
Where /media/USB-123/
- mount point of the USB Flash drive (with write privileges)
It is necessary to convert dump in png. You can do it using IrfanView.
While opening raw file ti is necessary to set:
At the moment the logo destinates for API and doesn't display at the STB's interface.
Starting from version v 4.8.60 logo of TV channels displays in OSD on the TV screen.
Starting from Stalker MW 4.8.63 in configuration file was add new option default_stb_status. New STB will be OFF by default, you need to add in server/custom.ini:
default_stb_status = 0
For older versions in mysql base it is necessary to do:
ALTER TABLE `users` MODIFY `status` tinyint DEFAULT 1;
All new STBs will be with “OFF” status.
It is possible to arrange access to portal for new stb by login and password. For this:
auth_url = http://localhost/stalker_portal/server/tools/auth_simple.php
While first loading stb to portal, windows with authorization will appear. After successful authorization, MAC address of stb will become attached to login you entered, and further during further loadings stb won't need further authorization.
For fast interface debugging portal on PC run Stalker portal in emulation mode via next address:
debug_key you need to take from table administrators(MySQL).
It is better to use Google Chrome, and you need to set the exact size of window for chosen resolution 1280х720, 720х576, 720х480)
To add more then 999 channels in Admin interface - open configuration file /stalker_portal/server/administrator/add_itv.php and set the value of maxlength from 3 to 4
Make next customizations in case if there is need to input more then 3 digits from the Remote Control.
In file /stalker_portal/c/player.js it is necessary to change next:
if (this.quick_ch_switch.input.innerHTML.length < 3){
if (this.quick_ch_switch.input.innerHTML.length < 4){
In file /stalker_portal/c/tv.js change:
if (this.quick_ch_switch.input.innerHTML.length < 3){
if (this.quick_ch_switch.input.innerHTML.length < 4){
Decrease font size for .quick_ch_input in /stalker_portal/c/template/default/layer.list.css because 4 digits will not fit in window.
Create for example folder Sherlock Season 1
Enter storage and add next files in Sherlock folder:
1.mkv 2.mkv 3.mkv etc…
Then you will have TV series in folder.
2) If Custom url is used check that in contain sXXeXX then portal will see it as an TV show with maximum set series in eXX.