Table of Contents

Settings of the temporary URLs for Wowza Media Server

Wowza Media Server settings (WMS)

Installation of the modules

Module infomir-tmplink.jar is in release directory of MW “Stalker” - ../stalker_portal/wms/infomir-tmplink.jar

It is necessary to put infomir-tmplink.jar in catalogue lib in Wowza Media Server directory, usually it is /usr/local/WowzaMediaServer.

Application settings

In application config which is in <Modules> section it is necessary to add:

    <Description>temporary url</Description>

In <Properties> section it is neccessary to add:


To correct stalkerApiServer parameter if it is neccessary.

Middleware configuration

TV channel configuration

In admin interface in the IPTV channels category on the correct channel it is neccessary to setup the temporary HTTP links option and WOWZA support.