After standard installation and configuration TimeShift on the server, where channel are recorded, it is necessary to modify configuration file of NGINX on the storage - to add section at the beginning between location sections:

    location /tslink/ {
        rewrite ^/tslink/(.+)/archive/(\d+)/(.+) /stalker_portal/server/api/chk_tmp_timeshift_link.php?key=$1&file=$3 break;
        proxy_set_header Host; # <-- portal IP
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_pass; # <-- portal IP
    location /archive/ {
        root /var/www; # <-- directory, where is archive folder (symlink RECORDS_DIR."archive")
    # is necessary to exclude "tslink" and "archive" section from the access to static files
    location ~* ^(?!(\/tslink|\/archive))\/.*\.(mpg|mpeg|avi|ts|mkv|mp4|mov|m2ts|flv|m4v|srt|sub|ass)$ {
        secure_link $arg_st,$arg_e;
        secure_link_md5 "supersecret$uri$remote_addr$arg_e";
        if ($secure_link = "") {
            return 403;
        if ($secure_link = "0") {
            return 410;
        root /var/www/bb1;

For access closing to folder /archive/ using port 88 (apache) it is necessary to put .htaccess file with next

Deny from All

After NGINX configuration it is necessary to add the row in server/custom.ini of the middleware server

enable_timeshift_tmp_link = true