id - Contents ID in MySQl's database. Is assigned automatically in ascending order fill the database.
Folder - While adding new content via Admin-interface, folder creates automaticly on storage, in /media/storage/
. Name is generated from field “Title” with automatic change to translit;
Title - Title/Name of content. Appears in the list on the client device;
Original title - Copyright / Original title of content;
Restriction - Restriction by age. Appears status: 1 - on, 0 - off. If activated, on client device you will need to enter password to see this content. Password by default - 0000. Password can be changed on clients device in “Settings” ⇒ “Parents control;
Volume correction - Is used to manually correct volume ;
Duration, min - Duration of content. Appears on clients interface in contents info;
Series - Amount of series;
Claims about
audio/video - ;
edit, send, del, on/off - ;
Turn on date - .