Attention! Beginning from firmware version 0.2.18 all customizations of embedded portal is necessary to make using source codes of portal. After all customizations complete it is necessary to make compiling and minimization of source code of portal. After compiling and minization all files of portal could be placed in home directory for further image making. Source code of portal (portal-dev-*.tgz is in directory with current release

Autoupdating of playlists from given URL

For version 0.2.18 and higher

To enable and configure it is necessary to make changes in /public/portal/vars.js :

Variable Value
1 - enabled
OPERATORS_PLS_GROUP_NAMEGroup name, in which playlist will be added (if the value is empty then playlist will be added as main)
OPERATORS_PLS_MERGEtrue - existing playlists/groups will be deleted/changed to current
false - disabled