Attention! Beginning from firmware version 0.2.18 all customizations of embedded portal is necessary to make using source codes of portal. After all customizations complete it is necessary to make compiling and minimization of source code of portal. After compiling and minization all files of portal could be placed in home directory for further image making. Source code of portal (portal-dev-*.tgz is in directory with current release

Disabling of "System settings"/"Settings". Disabling of entering to the embedded portal and other

This realizes while editing rules.js file. This files content the list of groups from sections “Settings”, “System settings”, “Loader (page 404)”. Change value true to false to disable/hide any of that sections.

rules.js files is in next directories:

/home/web/rules.js content:

/home/web/system/settings/rules.js content:

/home/web/system/pages/loader/rules.js content:

Set password for System Settings