Utility sendqtevent in /usr/share/qt-4.6.0/
Using sendqtevent you can emulate keystroking :
Format for call utility: sendqtevent [-c] [-a] [-s] [-ks <code>] [-kqt <qt_code>] -c - CTRL key modifier -a - ALT key modifier -s - SHIFT key modifier <code> - KeySym code (default: 0x20) <qt_code> - code for Qt symbol (e.i. Qt::Enter) code - matches codes KeySym:<code> in settings LIRC /etc/lirc/lircrc qt_code - matches code button from Qt::Key
In current firmware versions there is a restriction - call of virtual keyboard and Settings menu can't be emulate through this utility.
for left key - /usr/share/qt-4.6.0/sendqtevent -kqt 0x01000012 -ks 0x25
0x01000012 if for Qt::Key_Left 0x01000012 from http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qt.html#Key-enum
0x25 is from keyCode, dec(hex) for key left http://soft.infomir.com.ua/mag250/Doc/JS%20API%20MAG200%20%28Rev%201.20%29.pdf page 103
For some controls like “menu” that are not present in qt.html you need to look in /etc/lirc/lircrc.wk* - config=Key ctrl-F11 Web
For this key you need to use code 0x0100003a from F11 from http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qt.html#Key-enum and flag -c (CTRL key modifier)
Info button /usr/share/qt-4.6.0/sendqtevent -a -kqt 0x00000059 -ks 0x59