Table of Contents

Video output mode (TV System) and the Graphics Resolution (Grapchic res.)

Read the instructions for your (TV, monitor, etc.).

Ensure that the necessary resolution supported by your hardware.

Usually there is labeling the supported modes such as: Information from Wikipedia.

If the instructions or labeling is not required information is available on the website of the manufacturer of your equipment.

After turning STB MAG200/250 mode is set PAL(576i) or NTSC(480i), which operate at boot time and menu Bootloader. At this time, the signal is present on all video outputs. When you activate the video output mode 576p,720p,1080i/p, after loading the basic software, STB switches to HD mode.
When the STB to be in HD mode to SD video outputs for ease of use and more informative provides a warning. The text of this warning in the file /home/default/SDmsg in the image of basic software. By default, this text on a blue background:

If you see a warning that:

TV System

Video output mode for basic software.

The possible values:
PAL (576i)NTSC (480i)

Graphic Res.

Resolution graphics window for the main software.

The possible values:
720 (720×576)
1280 (1280×720)
1920 (1920×1080)
TV System Res

If the set value “Graphic Res.” More than the permissible resolution video output, the graphics window to set the most appropriate resolution.

If the value is “TV System Res.”, Then use the appropriate resolution of the current mode of video output.

For example:

If you select the video output mode (TV System) 1080i-50, the video will be played with a resolution of 1920×1080, and graphics (Graphic Res. - the menu graphic resolution) can be drawn with a resolution of (720×576, 1280×720, 1920×1080) that is, you can choose any resolution for the graphics menu, but lower resolution than the video output will be scaled to the resolution of video output. If the menu item “Graphic Res” is set to “TV System Res.”, It will use the resolution that corresponds to the current mode of video output, that is 1920×1080.

A typical variant: If you select the video output “TV System” - 1080i-50, and the graphic resolution “Graphic Res” - 720×576, the video will be played at the highest possible quality, and the graphics scale. That reduces the load and improve performance.
The possible values:
TV System Video Resolution Graphic Resolution
1080i/p-50/601920×10801920×180, 1280×720, 720×576
720p-50/601280×7201280×720, 720×576
PAL (576i)720×576720×576
NTSC (480i)720×480720×480

How to change "video mode" and "graphical resolution"

From the menu BIOS MAG-200/250

If there is no image on the screen maybe your TV doesn't support PAL system.

If there is no image then complete next steps:

In the internal Portal

Connecting the HDMI-DVI

To connect the STB MAG-200/250 to the device with DVI interface, you must enable “Force DVI” in “System settings” in internal portal.

Attention. When you connect to the device with HDMI interface, this setting must be turned off!