“Remote control” function

Beginning from version 0.2.18-r5 “Remote control” is available in “System settings” of embedded portal.

“Remote control” allows to control STB using mobile device based on Android and iOS.

It is necessary to:

  1. Download and isntall application “Remote control” on mobile device.
  2. STB and mobile device should be in the same network.
  3. Complete necessary “Remote control” configurations on STB.

“Remote control” settings in STB contains 3 main sections:

  1. Use remote control ON/OFF: ON - function enabled, OFF - function disabled
  2. Device name - Name, which will be displayed while scanning
  3. Password (numbers only) - Password, which will be used to connect to mobile device

Apps for Android
OS Requirements: OS Android 4.0.3 and later ~~BARCODE~class=barcode_center~url=https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.infomir.remoteManagerClient~size=S~~

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