[*] Fixed videoclug watch user log лог (issue #6810); [*] Fixed adding logo for movies (issue #7718); [*] Fixed вход в Stalker 5x при включенной авторизации (issue #7785); [*] Minor fixes in admin interface (issue #7791, issue #7804, issue #7825, issue #7828, issue #7829, issue #7863, issue #7871, issue #7888, issue #7889, issue #7891, issue #7894, issue #7901, issue #7964, issue #7994, issue #7712); [*] Fixed autofill from kinopoisk (issue #7885); [*] Fixed saving information about not completed content play in API v3 (issue #8020); [*] Fixed authorization API v2 (issue #8028); [*] Fixed saving time of last movie play (issue #8033); [*] Fixed video play statistic (issue #8052); [*] Fixed autoupdate for MAG256/MAG257 (issue #8084); [*] Fixed video genre localization in API v3 (issue #8093); [*] Fixed EPG was displayed above player (issue #8152); [*] Fixed список доступного видео в API v3 и v2 (issue #8245); [*] Fixed проблема с мониторингом ТВ каналов с Flussonic (issue #8293); [*] Added validation for STB correct time(ntp) (issue #7839, issue #7800); [*] In API v3 Added information regarding age restriction, country and duration (issue #7997, issue #7947); [*] Added licenced access to API v3 for non MAG devices (issue #7287, issue 8208, issue #8210, issue #8243); [*] Added theme selection Stalker 5x (issue #6775); [*] In API v3 Added video sorting (issue #7614); [*] In API v3 ability to add audio albums into playlist (issue #7635); [*] Added backup and restore of application list (issue #7723); [*] Application management optimization (issue #7735); [*] Added ability to update all application of Stalker 5x (issue #7834); [*] Added support for WR-320 mac validation (issue #8071); [*] Added MAG351 and MAG352 support (issue #8151); [*] Added weather measurements (Celsius/Fahrenheit) (issue #8397);
[*] FIXED Spanish localization (issue #7547); [*] FIXED update indication in admin interface footer (issue #7535); [*] FIXED search using cirilic in admin interface (issue #7559); [*] FIXED parental password request in admin interface (issue #7566); [*] Small fixes in admin interface (issue #7603, issue #7618); [*] Modifications in API v3 (issue #7530, issue #7711, issue #7672, issue #7618, issue #7477, issue #7655, issue #7676); [*] New section of applications management for Stalker 5x (бывший smart_launcher) (issue #7602, issue #7660, issue #7691, issue #7692, issue #7693, issue #7694, issue #7696, issue #7727, issue #7281);
[*] FIXED 3D mode in TV channels (issue #6397); [*] FIXED update window in Settings (issue #6672); [*] FIXED problem of aspect ration initialization after portal start (issue #6969); [*] FIXED filtering and sorting in TV channels - admin interface (issue #7021); [*] FIXED statistic of videos by genre (issue #7055); [*] Small fixes in admin interface (issue #7067, issue #7070, issue #7071, issue #7077, issue #7078, issue #7155, issue #7396, issue #7025); [*] FIXED statistic by closed TV channels (issue #7072); [*] FIXED access to API with disabled tariff plans (issue #7097); [*] FIXED language in films description for autofill from TMDB (issue #7101); [*] FIXED time-shift for Flussonic DVR (issue #7146); [*] FIXED permission for directories with logos (issue #7319); [*] FIXED issue with phing start if mysql server is 5.6 (issue #7342); [*] ADDED access option by password in TV genre or video category (issue #6722); [*] ADDED ability to add MAC address in channel URL using %MAC%, for example http://server-ip:80/live?channelId=31&deviceMac=%MAC% (issue #6754); [*] ADDED Xtream-Codes support https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/stalker-middleware/o7pbYjOJoqU (issue #6813); [*] ADDED column backlight of table for searching (issue #7007); [*] ADDED MaxCDN support for static files, option max_cdn_pull_zone_url in configuraiotn file (issue #7019); [*] ADDED Spanish localizationдобавлена испанская локализация (issue #7026); [*] ADDED ability to filter channels by device type in API v2 and v3 (issue #7068); [*] Admin interface optimized, page loading time is decrised (issue #7285); [*] ADDED channel subscription in admin interface (issue #7327); [*] ADDED API v3 (issue #6049, issue #6859, issue #7322, issue #7220, issue #7362, issue #7331, issue #7362, issue #7473, issue #7145, issue #7215, issue #7247); [*] ADDED EPG resource in API v1, resource itv (issue #7224, pull request #223); [*] ADDED new VideoClub (issue #6758, issue #7133, issue #7162, issue #7164, issue #7179, issue #7187, issue #7188, issue #7210, issue #7213, issue #7217, issue #7251, issue #7280, issue #7301, issue #7304, issue #7365); [*] Updated smart launcher and new applications were added - TV, Video, Radio, Karaoke, etc. (beta)
[*] FIXED API v1 (issue #7015); [*] ADDED token life time setting for OAuth - oauth_token_expire (issue #7016);
[*] FIXED issue with film saving with rate 0+ (issue #6807); [*] FIXED admin password changing issue (issue #6808); [*] Small fixes in Admin interface (issue #6818, issue #6819, issue #6834, issue #6877, issue #6923); [*] FIXED token verification for Flussonic (issue #6821); [*] FIXED permissions for STB turn off date set in Admin interface (issue #6880); [*] FIXED problem with authorization in API v2 using MAC (issue #6943); [*] ADDED opportunity to manage access in API v2 using tariff plans (issue #6675); [*] Closed kernel, license change (issue #6726, issue #6896, issue #6894, issue #6835, issue #6951, issue #6848, issue #6849, issue #6850, issue #6884); [*] ADDED support of MAG256, MAG257 (issue #6801, issue #6823, issue #6836, issue #6864, issue #6869, issue #6874); [*] ADDED indication of portal updating (issue #6875); [*] ADDED permissions on tariff plan changing in Admin interface (issue #6881); [*] ADDED feedback form in Admin interface (issue #6955);
[*] FIXES in AudioClub section (issue #6643); [*] FIXED admin interface displaying on mobile platforms (issue #6684); [*] FIXES in localization (issue #6698, issue #6732); [*] FIXED issue with standby mode enabling while TV is turned off (issue #6716); [*] FIXED event send work form by shedule (issue #6719); [*] FIXED timezone list for openeweathermap source (issue #6721); [*] FIXED video's statistic page displaying (issue #6724); [*] FIXED video's search page displaying by storages (issue #6725, issue #6753); [*] FIXED form of channel add (issue #6735, issue #6736, issue #6749); [*] FIXED form of event sending to user's by file's list (issue #6739); [*] FIXED application autoupdate (issue #6740); [*] FIXED filter work in admin interface, Karaoke section (issue #6744); [*] FIXED context menu displaying in Advertising section of VideoClub (issue #6745); [*] FIXED monitoring URL displaying for TV channel (issue #6748); [*] FIXED channel list in API v2 while tariff plans is disabled (issue #6752); [*] FIXED add radiostation form (issue #6757); [*] FIXED discontinuous TV Archive playing (issue #6768); [*] ADDED tables sorting in admin interface (issue #6543); [*] ADDED new fields for displaying in TV channels in admin interface (issue #6568); [*] Updated 2048 game (issue #6728); [*] ADDED new fields in API v2 for authorization: model, client_type (issue #6770); [*] ADDED ability to use API v2 without remote domen (issue #6776); [*] Small fixes in admin interface (issue #6788);
[*] FIXED premission set on reseller section (issue #6552); [*] FIXED notes and audio tracks/karaoke/video/EPG/streaming/events form validation (issue #6623, issue #6625, issue #6627, issue #6630, issue #6640, issue #6669, issue #6674, issue #6677, issue #6703, issue #6704, issue #6639); [*] FIXED close of reseller change form (issue #6629, issue #6701); [*] FIXED status display in storage list (issue #6632); [*] FIXED work of filters (issue #6633, issue #6642, issue #6685, issue #6700); [*] FIXED date of karaoke add display in admin interface (issue #6646); [*] FIXED radio display in admin interface (issue #6648); [*] FIXED karaoke file verify on storages (issue #6650, issue #6652); [*] FIXED edit application form display, context menu work (issue #6654, issue #6655); [*] FIXED pay buttons display on block screen (issue #6656); [*] FIXES in application section (issue #6659, issue #6660, issue #6663, issue #6665); [*] FIXED radio playing with enabled force_ch_link_check (issue #6676); [*] FIXES in IPTV section (issue #6679, issue #6687, issue #6689); [*] FIXED autoupdate function for custom images (issue #6680); [*] FIXED passwords verification while administrator adding (issue #6691); [*] FIXED work of Task section in IE 11 (issue #6692); [*] FIXED saving of TV archive records storages on channel (issue #6693); [*] FIXED updating of streaming servers list (issue #6695); [*] FIXED events send on period (issue #6710); [*] FIXED tasks display in VideoClub (issue #6711); [*] ADDED flag of download availability in API v2 (issue #6546); [*] ADDED launcher localization (issue #6682, issue #6706); [*] ADDED portal version display in admin interface (issue 6696); [*] Small fixes in admin interface (issue #6705);
[*] FIXED issue of films shedule section display (issue #6493); [*] FIXED "Access" column in service packets list (issue #6544); [*] FIXED access in AudioClub section for administrators (issue #6547); [*] FIXED in administrators management section (issue #6555, issue #6559, issue #6564, issue #6567, issue #6592); [*] FIXED Astra support for TV archive (issue #6565); [*] FIXED TV channel edit form, validation (issue #6569, issue #6571, issue #6597, issue #6603, issue #6619, issue #6582); [*] Changes in security, fixes in STB authorization token (issue #6610, issue #6618); [*] Fixes in EPG edit form, validation (issue #6612, issue #6577); [*] FIXED ability to delete video categories with genres (issue #6613); [*] License text updated (issue #6561); [*] ADDED WEB CAS support (issue #6585); [*] ADDED option for resolution management for STB auto-add in database (auto_add_stb) (issue #6611);
[*] FIXED HDMI reaction events (issue #6385); [*] FIXED current firmware description in Firmware update settings (issue #6387); [*] FIXED access to "Adult" genre by password (issue #6401); [*] FIXED firmware update making rule (issue #6466); [*] FIXED date format in user's table (issue #6468); [*] FIXED add form in AudioClub (issue #6469); [*] FIXED search field in Admin interface (issue #6472); [*] FIXED TV archive option work on channel in old Admin interface (issue #6474); [*] FIXED file name in VideoClub in English localization (issue #6475); [*] FIXED screensaver work with VirtualKeyboard (issue #6485); [*] FIXED localization issues (issue #6490, issue #6272); [*] FIXED album cover deleting in AudioClub (issue #6491); [*] FIXED issue with performance in user's logs (issue #6492); [*] FIXED user's group creation in admin interface (issue #6495); [*] FIXED updating using USB in Settings (issue #6496); [*] FIXED category displaying on add video form (issue #6506); [*] FIXES in Radio section and other admin sections (issue #6507, issue #6509, issue #6511, issue #6515, issue #6527, issue #6529, issue #6528); [*] FIXED option force_ch_link_check (issue #6520); [*] ADDED ability to disable tariff plan from user in admin interface (issue #6330); [*] ADDED TTL auto add in events (issue #6344); [*] ADDED ability to attach covers in png format for video (issue #6484); [*] New admin interface is used by default (issue #6533);
[*] FIXED categories by default for music videos (issue #5966); [*] FIXED filters in users section (issue #6317); [*] FIXED authorization form in launcher (issue #6318, issue #6320, issue #6332, issue #6336); [*] FIXED issue with NFS monitoring (issue #6319); [*] FIXED channel adding (issue #6321); [*] FIXED issue with encoding while m3u file import (issue #6328); [*] FIXED context menu cutting (issue #6329); [*] FIXED filter work by registration date in users category (issue #6333); [*] FIXED issue with first 3 letters displaying (issue #6335); [*] FIXED send_msg event with post-function video playing (issue #6346); [*] FIXED issue with double menu displaying (issue #6347); [*] FIXED incorrect base filling while application reinstal (issue #6378); [*] FIXED video covers (issue #6380); [*] FIXED audioclub covers (issue #6383); [*] ADDED user's log support in API v2 (issue #6277); [*] IMPROVED folders parser in storage (issue #6306); [*] ADDED information about operator's logo to user's profile in API v2 (issue #6349); [*] FIXES in new admin interface (issue #6371); [*] Disabled HDMI event reaction on STB MAG200 (issue #6384);
[*] FIXED changing of Favorites in preview while changing category (issue #6183); [*] FIXED issue of TV channel edit in new admin interface (issue #6231); [*] FIXED reset of tocken for Launcher while Stalker loading (issue #6239); [*] FIXED field for films, which is empty (issue #6241); [*] FIXED Greek localization (issue #6246); [*] FIXED issue in sending script of warning (issue #6262); [*] FIXED publish status in TV channels (issue #6263); [*] FIXED authorization in API v2 (issue #6264); [*] ADDED authorization saving in Launcher (issue #6219); [*] ADDED sorting modules option regarding to their queue in Tariffs (enable_modules_order_by_package) (issue #6225); [*] ADDED portal settings in Launcher (issue #6238); [*] ADDED TV channels import from m3u file (issue #6240); [*] Mechanism of STBs authorization is changed by default (options auth_url and store_auth_data_on_stb) (issue #6269); [*] ADDED option epg_data_block_period_for_stb, which allows to change EPG data on STB (issue #6274); [*] ADDED Karaoke status changing while cache updating (issue #6282); [*] ADDED standby option while TV turning of (standby_on_hdmi_off, enabled enabled by default) (issue #6284);
[*] FIXED php warning in new admin interface (issue #6214); [*] FIXED channel logo add in new admin interface (issue #6215); [*] FIXED Channel edit page opening (issue #6228, issue #6222); [*] FIXED current contant displaying for users (issue #6220); [*] FIXED group reseller changing (issue #6229); [*] FIXED portal loading with enabled tariffs and without module packets (issue #6234); [*] FIXED portal loading with empty system table with timezones (issue #6235); [*] FIXED video genre categories in API v2 (issue #6228);
[*] FIXED issue with SoapDemo (issue #6033); [*] Small fixes in Server broadcast in new admin interface (issue #6139); [*] FIXED wrong displaying of context menu in new admin interface (issue #6144); [*] FIXED access issue in admin interface if portal is installed not in stalker_portal (issue #6145, issue #6157); [*] FIXED load balancing on server broadcasting for API v2 (issue #6165); [*] FIXED calendar for Greek localization in new admin interface (issue #6177); [*] FIXED Update button appearing in Applications section in new admin interface (issue #6187); [*] FIXED channel reconnection by buttons Channel+/- while opening from launcher (issue #6192); [*] FIXED admin interface work for php 5.3 (issue #6209); [*] Small fixes for new admin interface (issue #6212, issue #6201); [*] ADDED support by default for nginx secure link for VideoClub and Karaoke (issue #6097); [*] ADDED opportunity to change template in API v2 (issue #6126); [*] ADDED update tables button in new admin interface (issue #6146); [*] Improved authorization for API v2 (issue #6146); [*] ADDED games description in new launcher (issue #6148); [*] Sorting of internal applications (issue #6168); [*] Country flag added near IP address in new admin interface (issue #6181); [*] UPDATED Youtube application (issue #6208);
[*] FIXED applications loading from launcher (issue #6142);
[*] FIXED picture displaying from USB storage device (issue #6011); [*] FIXED field of date when STB was turned off in new admin interdace (issue #6091); [*] FIXED issue while channel edit openning (issue #6092); [*] FIXED event templates for MAG245 and MAG254 in new admin interface (issue #6102); [*] FIXED EPG issue while time changing (issue #6114); [*] FIXED small issues in Audio in new admin interface (issue #6115); [*] FIXED small issues in Video in new admin interface (issue #6088); [*] FIXED small issues in Radio in new admin interface (issue #6088); [*] FIXED small issues in Tariffs in new admin interface (issue #6088); [*] FIXED TimeShift issue (issue #6119); [*] FIXED small issues in Users in new admin interface (issue #6088); [*] FIXED small issues in Events in new admin interface (issue #6088); [*] FIXED STB authorization for API v2 (issue #6124); [*] FIXED small issues in Administrators in new admin interface (issue #6088); [*] FIXED small issues in Tasks in new admin interface (issue #6088); [*] FIXED small issues in Info portal in new admin interface (issue #6088); [*] FIXED small issues in Statistic in new admin interface (issue #6088); [*] ADDED opportunity to display window with registration URL in authorization if registration_url in config is enabled (issue 6022); [*] ADDED opportunity to log out if authorization is used (issue #6069); [*] OPTIMIZAED users table (issue #6081); [*] ADDED x-max-sessions header for Flussonic (issue #6084); [*] ADDED System settings in Smart launcher (issue #6093); [*] ADDED filter by content type in Users section in new admin interface (issue #6096); [*] ADDED option of new launcher installing as template from settings (enable_launcher_in_theme_settings) (issue #6101); [*] UPDATED YouTube application (issue #6112); [*] ADDED opportunity to edit the date when STB was tuned off in old admin interface (issue #6120); [*] ADDED VK-Video and 2048 game in application list (issue #6123); [*] FIXED small issues in Storage in new admin interface (issue #6138);
[*] FIXED TV channels section in new admin interface (issue #6072); [*] FIXED pageheaders in user's logs (issue #6077); [*] FIXED application management section in new admin interface (issue #6080); [*] FIXED conflict with coincidence of same external modules names with embedded ones (issue #6089); [*] DELETED applications from Smart launcher and now they could be enabled manualy; fixed displaying of disabled applications (issue #6086, issue #6085);
[*] FIXED localization issue in new admin interface (issue #6008); [*] FIXED users filter in new admin interface (issue #6013); [*] FIXED the list of user's modules in API v2 (issue #6021); [*] FIXED user's sorting by accounts in new admin interface (issue #6025); [*] FOXED users's sorting by creation date (issue #6027); [*] FIXED application authorization issue in Smart launcher and exit from AudioClub (issue #6037); [*] FIXED statistic of TV viewing (issue #6046); [*] FIXED dash-board for reseller in new admin interface (issue #6051); [*] FIXED work of token for Flussonic (issue #6052); [*] FIXED issue with authorization window исправлена (issue #6076); [*] Small fixes in new admin interface (issue #6034, issue #6053); [*] ADDED opportunity to clear claim in new admin interface (issue #6035); [*] ADDED opportunity to set new skin as default template or change template for current user (issue #6059); [*] ADDED mechanism of managment for external applications (issue #6060); [*] ADDED Slovak localization (issue #6061); [*] UPDATED EX.UA application (issue #6063); [*] ADDED limit for megogo application (now it is available for 1280x720 only) (issue #6073);
[*] FIXED work of tmdb parser for series (issue #5958); [*] FIXED work of country filter for TV channels in API v2 (issue #5971); [*] FIXED work of authorization on new STBs (issue #5975); [*] FIXED karaoke adding whit custom url in new admin interface (issue #5987); [*] FIXED displaying of current content in admin interface for movie with custom URL (issue #5988); [*] ADDED security of Flussonic archive (issue #4911); [*] ADDED schedule of events (issue #5879); [*] ADDED history of messages in API v2 (issue #5882); [*] ADDED functionality of templates adding for MAG 245 and MAG 254 through events (issue #5986); [*] ADDED MW "Stalker" new skin (test mode, for operators only) (issue #5969); [*] Small changes/fixes in new admin interface (issue #5995); [*] ADDED hsl_fast_start settings, enabled by default (issue #6012);
[*] FIXED authorization issue of new STB (issue #5975);
[*] FIXED the process of incorporating the film on schedule in old admin interface (issue #5919); [*] FIXED page navigation in TV channels section in new admin interface (issue #5920); [*] FIXED edit of packet with modules in new admin interface (issue #5921); [*] FIXED default video_out value (it is empty now) (issue #5922); [*] FIXED sorting in Radio section (issue #5932); [*] FIXED issue while Weather updating (issue #5934); [*] FIXED work of BACK button in TV channels section (issue #5938); [*] FIXED channel change using numbers on RC while enable enable_numbering_in_order option (issue #5944); [*] FIXED list of genres and categories by default (issue #5912); [*] CHANGES in ACCOUNT section (issue #5943);
[*] FIXED issue with user's list in new admin interface (issue #5907);
[*] FIXED temporary URLs saving option in new admin interface (issue #5817); [*] FIXED TV statistic in new admin interface (issue #5823); [*] Small fixes in new admin interface (issue #5853, issue #5900, issue #5852); [*] FIXED edit of users in new admin interface (issue #5850); [*] FIXED verification of token in module for Wowza, it is recommened to update infomir-tmplink.jar (issue #5861); [*] FIXED edit of service packet in new admin interface (issue #5871); [*] ADDED filters of users (issue #5722); [*] ADDED field of user's add date in the list of users (issue #5731); [*] ADDED opportunity to add channel with number more then 999 in new admin interface (issue #5836); [*] Improved mechanism of information gathering about connection type (connection between STB and TV) (issue #5838); [*] YouTube application updated (issue #5888); [*] Portal work improved in windowed mode (issue #5890, issue #5895); [*] ex.ua application updated (issue #5896);
[*] FIXED authorization issue in API v2 (issue #5737); [*] FIXED focus of the last application icon (issue #5738); [*] FIXED issue in Radio widget (issue of portal loading) (issue #5742); [*] FIXED localization of messages (issue #5754); [*] FIXED continuing video playing issue (issue #5755); [*] FIXED German localization (issue #5789); [*] FIXED PVR in API v2 (issue #5834); [*] FIXED issue while exit from TV section when play_in_preview_only_by_ok option is enabled (issue #5837); [*] FIXED url saving in new admin interface (issue #5844); [*] Updated YouTube application (issue #5739); [*] ADDED show_menu event in API (issue #5745); [*] ADDED information about video rating in API v2 (issue #5764); [*] ADDED ability to run autoupdate before block window (issue #5778); [*] ADDED buffer record in dumpstream script (issue #5779); [*] UPDATED picasa, ex, ivi applications (issue #5821); [*] If IP address of STB is changed then portal use oss_url (issue #5824); [*] FIXES in styles and templates for new admin interface (issue #5851);
[*] FIXED Radio widget (issue #5653); [*] FIXED video saving in new admin interface (issue #5657); [*] FIXED TV channel playing while TV is on/off (issue #5658); [*] FIXED modules queue in Main menu (issue #5659); [*] FIXED problem while user's add form opening in new admin interface (issue #5661); [*] FIXED logo add in TV channel (issue #5662); [*] FIXED Autoupdate manage form in new admin interface (issue #5664); [*] FIXED portal loading in browser (emulation mode) (issue #5665); [*] FIXED editing of new packet problem in new admin interface (issue #5665); [*] FIXED localization problems (issue #5673); [*] FIXED broadcasting servers loading display in percents (issue #5676); [*] FIXED the list of films by category in API v2 (issue #5678); [*] FIXED portal loading on STBs MAG260 (issue #5684); [*] Small fixes in new admin interface (issue #5685); [*] FIXED STB status displaying in profile (issue #5706); [*] FIXED sort by date of last edit in user list (issue #5709); [*] FIXED links of weather update for weather.ua (issue #5714); [*] ADDED ability to manage genres and categories from admin interface (issue #4837); [*] YouTube application updated (issue #5589); [*] ADDED ability to limit users quantity for every reseller (issue #5634); [*] ADDED frequency of manual input manual of scanning in DVB settings (issue #5641); [*] ADDED list of available modules in API v2 (issue #5646); [*] There is the same aspect ratio as in TV channel in TimeShift (issue #5656); [*] ADDED additive authorization options in API v2 (issue #5671); [*] ADDED ability to inform users about disable date (issue #5679); [*] OPTIMIZED and FIXED single_module modes (issue #5694, issue #5700); [*] ADDED information about views in the video list (issue #5696); [*] ADDED search of users by name and IP (issue #5708); [*] ADDED optional connection between STB authorization and API v2 authorization (issue #5712); [*] REMAKE downloading mechanism with temporary links (issue #5715);
[*] FIXED localization issues in new admin interface (issue #5577, issue #5621); [*] FIXED management form of broadcasting zone (issue #5579); [*] FIXED Moderators list in new admin interface (issue #5580); [*] FIXED packet editing in tariff in new admin interface (issue #5581); [*] FIXED last TV channel playing (issue #5597); [*] FIXED issue when reseller opens the list of users (issue #5600); [*] FIXED Administrator submenu in resellers in new admin interface (issue #5605); [*] FIXED layout on edit form in new admin interface (issue #5607); [*] FIXED access to some user's pages with limited permission (issue #5609); [*] FIXED STB freezing after TV's turn on (issue #5610); [*] FIXED issue with TV channel preview on blocked STB (issue #5621); [*] FIXED counting of channel current session (issue #5630); [*] Small fixes in new admin interface (issue #5645); [*] ADDED opportunity to use monitoring for Radio channels (issue #1820); [*] ADDED Home page for new admin interface (issue #5544); [*] ADDED account_balance field for users (issue #5582, issue #5619); [*] UPDATED localizations (issue #5591); [*] Portal loading optimized; enable_supermodule option is available in experimental mode (issue #5620); [*] ADDED information about current user's videwing in new admin interface (issue #5637); [*] ADDED new firmware version support; For firmware version 0.2.18-r7 warning about updating will be displayed (issue #5642);
[*] FIXED issue with channel switching (issue #5588);
[*] FIXED localization of new admin interface (issue #5493); [*] FIXED issue which appears while user info edit in new admin interface (issue #5494); [*] FIXED issue admin permission set in new admin interface (issue #5495); [*] FIXED issue in Autoupdate setting in new admin interface (issue #5502); [*] FIXED advertasing in VideoClub (issue #5515); [*] FIXED context menu displaying in TV Archive in new admin interface (issue #5523); [*] FIXED EPG time-correction field (issue #5534); [*] FIXED genre localization in API v2 and video filter by genre and category (issue #5535); [*] FIXED downloading from VideoClub (issue #5537); [*] FIXED STB freezing while pressin MODE button (issue #5538); [*] FIXED episode nubmer displaying in OSD for PAL (issue #5543); [*] FIXED powering off STB from new admin interface (issue #5549); [*] FIXED issue with power off time set in new admin interface (issue #5550); [*] FIXED auto power off by cron (issue #5555, issue #5575); [*] FIXED Version field displaying in STB profile (issue #5564); [*] FIXED displaying of last STB status in report in new admin interface (issue #5576); [*] ADDED TV channels switching in sorting by name (issue #1479); [*] IMPROVEMENT in monitoring script. Now monitoring sorting by available and non-available streams (issue #2875); [*] ADDED the original alignment of the sync byte in TV archive stream (without it TV archive did not work on some devices) (issue #5337); [*] ADDED opportunity to set priority for language for EGP import from xmltv (issue #5433); [*] ADDED play_radio_channel event (issue #5456); [*] Application Vimeo doesn't available for MAG200 anymore (issue #5489); [*] DELETED rows with tmp files from *.po files (issue #5498); [*] ADDED monitoring status displaying in new admin interface (issue #5503); [*] ADDED ivi application (issue #5504); [*] DISABLED buffer indication for rtp solution (issue #5516); [*] UPDATED YouTube application (issue #5541); [*] UPDATED Polish localization (issue #5545); [*] ADDED turning off STB date in profile in old admin interface (issue #5546); [*] Now does not start playing the last TV channel when you exit the plugins (issue #5557); [*] ADDED option of disabling YouTube application for MAG200 (issue #5586);
[*] FIXED issue with continuous archive playing while using Flussonic DVR (issue #5345); [*] FIXED issue while user editing in new admin interface (issue #5429); [*] FIXED issue on TV genre page in new admin interface (issue #5430); [*] FIXED genre id for categories in API v2, added opportunity to get genres by category list and delete videos from "Favorite" (issue #5431); [*] FIXED channel playing after TV's turn on (issue #5432); [*] FIXED issue indication with connection (issue #5434); [*] FIXED issue in Radion widget (issue #5438); [*] OPTIMIZED some requests in new admin interface (issue #5452); [*] FIXED issue with empty channel list in service packet (issue #5453); [*] FIXED cron tasks running (issue #5459); [*] ADDED resellers in new admin interface (issue #2900); [*] ADDED account resources in API v2 (payment info, user agreements, etc.) (issue #4557); [*] ADDED Flussonic DVR support for time-shift (issue #4883); [*] ADDED opportunity to choose time in user statistic in new admin interface (issue #5415); [*] ADDED view statistic support in API v2 (issue #5416); [*] DVB settings is displayed on MAG 270/275 only (issue #5454); [*] ADDED IP_STB_HD model in support by default (issue #5457); [*] ADDED Vimeo application (issue #5467); [*] ADDED German localization (issue #5474); [*] UPDATED YouTube application (issue #5475); [*] Information about user's MAC and IP added in billing authorization parameters (issue #5488);
[*] FIXED session counting on streaming servers (issue #5353); [*] FIXED localization problem in new admin interface (issue #5371); [*] FIXED channel list manage in new admin interface (issue #5378); [*] ADDED button of archive button in new admin interface (issue #5379); [*] FIXED errors in new admin interface which in apache log (issue #5380); [*] FIXED video playing (issue #5402); [*] FIXED channel playing which have added using new admin interface (issue #5404); [*] CHANGED password input window while subscription (issue #1448); [*] ADDED opportunity to disable STB automatically (by date) in new admin interface (issue #3734); [*] ADDED subscriptions log on packets in new admin interface (issue #5218); [*] ADDED channel re-playing after TV was turned off (issue #5339); [*] ADDED codecs for subtitles (issue #5369); [*] ADDED opportunity to manage TV genres in new admin interface (issue #5394); [*] UPDATED YouTube beta application (issue #5406, issue #5424); [*] ADDED opportunity to get EPG from channels set by one request in API v2 (issue #5409); [*] ADDED information about genre in channel API v2 (issue #5413);
[*] FIXED displaying of last digit of the year in Video Club (issue #5298); [*] FIXED Karaoke playing with custom url (issue #5325); [*] FIXED indication of radiostation playing in Radio section (issue #5334); [*] FIXED issue with localhost in mysql (issue #5341); [*] FIXED archive playing from EPG over player (issue #5363); [*] ADDED order_itv_channel_as_adding option which allows to display channel by order (issue #4253); [*] ADDED new admin interface which available by URL /stalker_portal/server/adm/ (issue #4623, issue #4988, issue #5358, issue #5366); [*] ADDED nginx secure link monitoring (issue #5073); [*] ADDED ability to switch radiostations by pressing CH +/- (issue #5309); [*] Forming of nginx secure link moved to config - nginx_secure_link_order (issue #5332); [*] HLS link doesn't forward on USB storage device for PVR (issue #5342); [*] UPDATED ivi application (issue #5352); [*] ADDED setting of ssl certificate check - check_ssl_certificate (issue #5354);
[*] FIXED issue in Radio section (issue #5285); [*] DELETED non correct check on firmware version in different modules (issue #5275);
[*] FIXED series downloading when advertising is enabled (issue #5180); [*] FIXED streaming server's distribution while load balancing enabled (issue #5181); [*] FIXED problem with mysql_port configuration (issue #5192); [*] FIXED URL for archive record in API v2 (issue #5194); [*] FIXED problem with wrong displaying of table's rows for TV and MediaBrowser (issue #5199); [*] FIXED displaying mysql errors while phing (issue #5216); [*] ADDED updates in Radio section (Favorites, sorting) (issue #4981); [*] ADDED opportunity to use films with custom url and sXXeXX in name (issue #5084); [*] ADDED option which allows massive update (allow_multiple_stb_update) (issue #5190); [*] ADDED opportunity to send messages with video in attachment (issue #5227); [*] CHANGED serach in VideoClub (now is standard keyboard is using) (issue #5229); [*] ADDED mouse right click support ("Exit" emulation) (issue #5249); [*] UPDATED YouTube application (issue #5256);
[*] FIXED DVB settings (issue #4621); [*] FIXED Kinopoisk cover loading (issue #5044); [*] FIXED ocean blue template (issue #5062); [*] FIXED digital template (issue #5039, issue #5074); [*] ADDED frequency and modulation configurations for DVB-C (issue #4213); [*] ADDED error reports about records (issue #4361); [*] ADDED session limitation for TimeShift (issue #4520); [*] ADDED serial files support by next type sXXeXX file name (issue #4578); [*] ADDED Remote control in Settings (issue #5038); [*] ADDED non-standard MySQL port support (issue #5043); [*] CLOSED opportunity for resource stb group updating in API v1 (issue #5056);
[*] FIXED buffer size saving (environment variables do not change) (issue #4958); [*] FIXED cancel of nPVR record (issue #4974); [*] FIXED errors while random hash forming (issue #5001); [*] FIXED portal setting's saving (issue #5009); [*] FIXED Parental password input form/window (issue #5011); [*] FIXED video playing if advertising doesn't available, advertising removed form each episode (issue #5024); [*] FIXED archive playing while winter/summer time changing (issue #5027); [*] FIXED temporary links for Wowza VOD (issue #5032); [*] ADDED film information autofil from themoviedb.org (issue #1497); [*] ADDED opportunity to set password to Settings (issue #4795); [*] ADDED search in AudioClub (issue #4889); [*] UPDATED megogo application (issue #4962); [*] ADDED Wowza DVR support as TimeShift (issue #4985); [*] UPDATED ex.ua application (issue #4993); [*] ADDED auto_hide_timeout parameter for SEND_EVENT and STB_MSG resources in API v1 (issue #5012); [*] ADDED 6 MHz for DVB for manual searching (issue #5021); [*] ADDED German/Deutsch localization (issue #5028);
[*] FIXED EPG over player for Favorites channels (issue #4678); [*] FIXED user-agent filter if there are several channel URLs (issue #4961); [*] FIXED problem by pressing OK in EPG over player (issue #4968); [*] FIXED country localization of track in AudioClub (issue #4969); [*] ADDED Wowza support for VideoClub (with "Stalker" storage support) (issue #4558); [*] ADDED portla template configuring in user settings (issue #4910); [*] ADDED green template (issue #4926); [*] ADDED grey template (issue #4953); [*] ADDED Wowza DVR support as TV Archive (issue #4984);
[*] FIXED counting DVB channel pages counting (issue #4449); [*] FIXED downloading from browser (issue #4462); [*] FIXED freezing while updating from Settings (issue #4463); [*] FIXED "Soon" in VideoClub (issue #4465); [*] DELETED option "USB&Bootstrap" updating (issue #4544); [*] FIXED first condition deleting in autoupdating (issue #4546); [*] Changed vlc in monitoring script to cvlc (issue #4718); [*] FIXED record to USB storage device using multicast proxy (issue #4741); [*] FIXED EPG updating when problem with .gz source occurs (issue #4898); [*] UPDATED ex.ua application (issue #4899); [*] FIXED nPVR recording (issue #4901); [*] FIXED positioning by pages in audio albums (issue #4903); [*] FIXED video discription on Greek (issue #4904); [*] FIXED playing in YouTube application (issue #4905); [*] FIXED problem with packet subscription problem displaying (issue #4920); [*] FIXED positioning by number in "Favorite" (issue #4924); [*] FIXED localization in AudioClub (issue #4928); [*] OPTIMIZED work with database (issue #4519); [*] CHANGED HDMI event reaction while video playing (issue #4750); [*] ADDED possibility to use memcached cluster (issue #4853); [*] Portal logo (branding) is available in config file (issue #4915); [*] ADDED version displaying option in Main menu (issue #4930);
[*] FIXED Audio club module in ocean blue theme (issue #4802); [*] FIXED remarks list regarding Audio club (work with playlists, genre displaying and years) (issue #4827); [*] FIXED error with monitoring option and load balancing (issue #4831); [*] FIXED work of pay button on blocked display (issue #4834); [*] FIXED information displaying about content while audio and karaoke playing (issue #4839); [*] FIXED icon displaying while playing on genre and album (issue #4840); [*] FIXED link to wiki (issue #4858); [*] FIXED work of nginx secure link option when url contains wrong value (issue #4874); [*] FIXED audio playing if URL contains spaces (issue #4878); [*] ADDED flussonic support for TV archive (issue #3566); [*] ADDED possibility to use mask for playing in channel url from "the first" USB storage device (issue #4772); [*] ADDED cappuccino theme (issue #4773, issue #4835); [*] ADDED possibility to use MAC address of STB in external_payment_page_url (issue #4828); [*] REMOVED reboot when theme changed (issue #4832); [*] ADDED astra support for archive record (issue #4881); [*] ADDED Italian localization (text type) (issue #4778);
[*] FIXED icon displaying of RECORDS in main menu (issue #4756); [*] FIXED MAC address changing via API v1 (issue #4754); [*] ADDED "AUDIO CLUB" module (issue #4554);
[*] FIXED localization of packets table in user profile (issue #4599); [*] FIXED appearing of empty row in WORKGROUP MediaBrowser (issue #4709); [*] FIXED displaying of information in Admin interface about film from "non-ended" (issue #4742); [*] ADDED information about locale and STB model in user profile (issue #4450, issue #4693); [*] ADDED opportunity to send message with MAC address and S/N on STB using %mac% and %sn% (issue #4701); [*] ADDED enable_soap_api option, which enabling SOAP API (it is desabled by default) (issue #4747);
[*] FIXED error with subscription updating in TV channels (issue #4683); [*] FIXED problem with video_name_format in VideoClub in English localization (issue #4702); [*] ADDED support of WR320 model (issue #4689);
[*] ADDED discription such as stringArray in SOAP API (issue #4630); [*] FIXED problem with curl in monitoring script (issue #4631); [*] ADDED opportunity to update the list of video by pressing DEL button (issue #4390); [*] UPDATED Greek localizaztion (issue #4390); [*] ADDED Netherlandish localization (issue #4644); [*] ADDED option for multicast settings hide in Advanced settings (hide_adv_mc_settings) (issue #4654);
[*] FIXED STB adding in group (issue #4426); [*] FIXED problem with ability to save channel without genre (issue #4464); [*] FIXED DVB category displaying on STBs without DVB (issue #4551); [*] FIXED continuation of archive playback while different timezones on server and on STB (issue #4615);
[*] FIXED problem of streaming server determination by default (issue #4489); [*] FIXED the problem with settings for MAG260 (issue #4523); [*] FIXED information about PVR record duration (issue #4550); [*] FIXED information about current video if there is numbers in expantion (for example .mp4) (issue #4552); [*] UPDATED ex.ua and ivi.ru (issue #4508); [*] ADDED MAG260 as default supported device (issue #4528);
[*] FIXED displaying of local TimeShift icon (issue #4399); [*] FIXED saving of DVB settings (issue #4405); [*] FIXED clearing of EPG table (issue #4418); [*] FIXED link to existing TimeShift sessions statistic (issue #4446); [*] IMPROVED work of MySQL library (issue #4454); [*] FIXED counting of pages in TV channels for PVR only (issue #4478); [*] ADDED message about changing in services while optional packet enabling-disabling (issue #4487); [*] Native YouTube is available for MAG260 (issue #4472); [*] Unnecessary Settings sections is hidding for MAG260 (issue #4474); [*] ADDED opportunity to use "Country" for TV channel URL in filter (issue #4485);
[*] ADDED ability to use old subscription mechanism on TV channels while Tariff Plans are on (issue #4432); [*] ADDED option for LED brightness adjustment (issue #4433);
[*] FIXED layer_name in Pomogator module (issue #4373); [*] FIXED work of aspect for TV Archive (issue #4381); [*] FIXED displaying of disabled channels in packet description (issue #4382); [*] ADDED opportunity to open RADIO by pressing MUSIC button (issue #4363); [*] OPTIMIZED work with tables clearing (issue #4375);
[*] FIXED progress-bar while portal is loading (issue #4352); [*] FIXED archive playing from EPG over player (issue #4362); [*] ADDED "Pomogator" application (issue #4353); [*] ADDED RC support with programmable section for opening EPG over player (issue #4366);
[*] FIXED subtitles configuration by default (issue #4313); [*] FIXED film's adding in the list of "Not ended" (issue #4315); [*] FIXED work of "Account disabled" option while adding of the new user (issue #4321); [*] FIXED validation of multicast URL proxy in Settings (issue #4323); [*] FIXED function of "Service packages" determining by service id (issue #4345); [*] ADDED opportunity to open advanced EPG while channel playing in fullscreen (EPG button) (issue #1188); [*] ADDED Portal disabling function (issue #3355); [*] Session of "TV archive" playing doesn't depend on storage load (issue #3427); [*] ADDED opportunity to buy or rent video/films in "Video Club" (issue #3839); [*] ADDED sections UNDO in DB migration scripts (issue #4344); [*] ADDED opportunity to search films using id (issue #4346);
[*] FIXED temperature displaying in Weather (issue #4288); [*] FIXED forecast displaying (issue #4289); [*] FIXED work in Admin interface using Firefox 31+ (issue #4290); [*] FIXED EPG displaying if source is not xmltv (downgrade #4250) (issue #4295); [*] ADDED possibility to disable tv module (issue #2865); [*] ADDED pattern using support of external portal (issue #4154); [*] ADDED possibility to control channels with flussonic (with temporary URLs) using monitoring (issue #4256); [*] FIXED appearence of Weather (issue #4291);
[*] FIXED error of EPG opening and arсhival program indication (issue #4255); [*] FIXED error with TV Archive task deleting while TV channel deleting (issue #4265); [*] FIXED Media type for archive in user's log while continuous playing (issue #4267); [*] FIXED problem with font in EPG description (issue #4275); [*] FIXED icon and status in Weather for openweathermap (issue #4279); [*] FIXED problem with encoding in events on email (issue #4280); [*] FIXED localization problem in section of all user's logs (issue #4281); [*] ADDED possibility to use openweathermap.org as weather source (issue #1208); [*] ADDED optional displaying of choosing (in genre list) "Channels with PVR" (issue #4008); [*] ADDED possibility to use parameters account_payment_info, account_agreement_info and account_terms_info from oss_url data (issue #4220); [*] ADDED possibility of continuous TV Archive recording when there is break in EPG (issue #4260); [*] ADDED optional opportunity do not display Type and Media for offline STBs in user's list (hide_media_info_for_offline_stb) (issue #4274);
[*] FIXED play continues after authorization error (issue #4196); [*] FIXED pvr icon displaying on channels where pvr is not enabled (issue #4216); [*] FIXED audio track selection on channels with temporally links (issue #4219); [*] FIXED issue with player context menu initialization and aspect for channel when event 2 doesn't come (issue #4223); [*] FIXED issue with authorization while reseting access_token (issue #4225); [*] FIXED temporally links for Flussonic (issue #4227); [*] FIXED Synchronization of TV archive tasks in file .tasks (issue #4230); [*] FIXED complain message (issue #4234); [*] FIXED decoding of mysql error (issue #4235); [*] FIXED displaying EPG on STB after xmltv_id delete (issue #4250); [*] ADDED path setup for folder screenshots (screenshots_path) (issue #4191); [*] editing of users login "admin" was blocked (issue #4215); [*] some video genres was renamed (issue #4218); [*] ADDED in settings parameter "aspect" by default (tv_channel_default_aspect) for TV channels (issue #4221);
[*] FIXED problem with EPG displaying in TV list without preview (issue #4160); [*] FIXED problem of EPG updating, downgrade to 4.8.81 version (issue #4186); [*] FIXED problem with Audiotrack choosing on channels with temporary URLs (issue #4195); [*] ADDED in API v2 possibility to get status of TV channel (issue #1492); [*] ADDED optional possibility to display "coming soon" section in VideoClub (issue #3408); [*] ADDED possibility to move on current playing channel by pressing BACK while navigation (issue #4176); [*] ADDED m4v format in list of supported formats on Storage (issue #4185); [*] ADDED in API v1 "IP" row for STB resource (issue #4188); [*] ADDED event/notice on email if htere is claim on sound/vidoe/epg (issue #4193); [*] ADDED "IP" parameter while authorization by auth_url, added in API v1 resource of authorization reset (issue #4198); [*] ADDED support of temporary URLs for Flussonic (issue #4209);
[*] FIXED problem with loading and playing in ex.ua application (issue #4136, issue #4150); [*] FIXED stoping of channel re-replaying (issue #4155); [*] ADDED opportunity change sequence of TV channels in preview (issue #3607); [*] ADDED opportunity to specify country for content in Videoclub (issue #4007); [*] ADDED filter in admin interface for films which shows SD films with HD copy (issue #4024); [*] ADDED animation for "mute" image for preventing burnup (issue #4083); [*] ADDED opportunity to use hardware version in autoupdate parameters (issue #4094); [*] ADDED opportunity returns by "back" button in preview mode (issue #4112); [*] ADDED Greek localization (issue #4133); [*] ADDED solution for TV Archive playing in settings (issue #4142); [*] ADDED event stoping "keydown" in apps module (issue #4151);
[*] FIXED problem with external subtitles for serials (issue #4042); [*] FIXED problem with apostrophe in localization (issue #4069); [*] FIXED work of notices for DVB channels (issue #4079); [*] FIXED problem with settings opening while work via HTTPS (issue #4086); [*] FIXED problem with empty list of extended EPG (issue #4118); [*] ADDED opportunity of DVB channels manual scanning добавлена (issue #4076); [*] ADDED filter which allows to display DVB channels only (issue #4093); [*] UPDATED picasa application (issue #4117); [*] FIXED playing via proxy in ex.ua application (issue #4120); [*] ADDED configuring of simultaneous recording on USB (issue #4128);
[*] UPDATED EX.UA application (issue #3508); [*] FIXED list of field in users API v2 resource (issue #3994); [*] FIXED localization of "Serial" genre (issue #4001); [*] FIXED call settings function in TV preview (issue #4009); [*] ADDED support of https (issue #4051, pull request #6); [*] FIXED parcing of NBU exchange rate (issue #4053); [*] ADDED list of exception for playing via proxy (issue #3045); [*] ADDED resource for gathering of playing statistic in API v2 (issue #3421); [*] ADDED resource in API v2, which allows to get messages from the server (issue #3423); [*] ADDED opportunity to use prefixes for files in autoupdate (issue #3962); [*] ADDED opportunity to reboot STB from the lock screen (issue #3964); [*] ADDED support of devices, which are mounted to different folders (outside of /media/) (issue #3969); [*] For TV channels aspect by default - FIT (issue #3973); [*] ADDED opportunity to use external page of paying in ACCOUNT (issue #3974); [*] ADDED option of PVR icon disabling in channel list (issue #3991); [*] ADDED support of DVB STBs (issue #4021, issue #4022);
[*] FIXED navigation in Admin interface (issue #3924); [*] FIXED time displaying in am/pm format (issue #3960); [*] FIXED logrotate config (issue #3961); [*] ADDED icon of PVR record in channel list (issue #3422); [*] ADDED Ukrainian language for Settings (issue #3765); [*] ADDED user's statistic by service packets (issue #3904); [*] UPGRADED deleting mechanism of STBs from Admin interface (issue #3923);
[*] FIXED periodic error in module "downloads" while loading (issue #3821); [*] FIXED permission set on folder misc/logos (issue #3832); [*] ADDED message about unavailable of some YouTube content (issue #3836); [*] FIXED work of record indicator after duration changing (issue #3837); [*] ADDED mysql_host support with constant connection in deploy script (issue #3841); [*] FIXED request of password on channel (issue #3848); [*] FIXED SetCASParam when there is no cas_params (issue #3862); [*] FIXED Favorites channel switching by pressing on "numbers" with open/closed channels (issue #3865); [*] FIXED autoupdate condition verification (issue #3877); [*] CHANGED nPVR system, there is no need in daemon stalkerd, but API_URL should be set on the storage (issue #2707); [*] ADDED option of information collecting about some loses in rtp stream (enable_stream_losses_logging) (issue #3120); [*] CHANGING in Russian localization (issue #3784); [*] ADDED setting of user's logs storaging duration (user_log_ttl) (issue #3855);
[*] FIXED Ukrainian localization (issue #3763); [*] FIXED screensaver work in version 0.2.18 (issue #3764); [*] FIXED TV channel logo removing (issue #3768); [*] FIXED connection error indication while fast page switching (issue #3777); [*] FIXED YouTube content palying (issue #3802); [*] FIXED problem in script of TV channel monitoring (issue #3809); [*] FIXED virtual keyboard while TV channel in preview mode (issue #3820); [*] FIXED enable_service_button option in version 0.2.18 (issue #3823); [*] ADDED play_in_preview_only_by_ok option in user's settings (issue #3545); [*] ADDED user's setting of action after portal is loaded (issue #3669); [*] ADDED support of show_unsubscribed_tv_channels option in tariff plan (issue #3774);
[*] FIXED localization error (issue #3699); [*] FIXED films playing after serials editing (issue #3731); [*] ADDED user's settings according to audio track priority (issue #2857); [*] ADDED TVZAVR and ZOOMBYTV modules (issue #3694); [*] ADDED information about quantity of users in each tariff (issue #3698); [*] ADDED HD films sorting while adding (issue #3703); [*] ADDED tester flag support (issue #3711); [*] ADDED opportunity to use permanent connection to mysql server (it is necessary to add p: in a front of host name) (issue #3713); [*] ADDED Polish localization (issue #3715, pull request #5); [*] ADDED show_channel_logo_in_preview option which includes channel logo displaying in a list (issue #3716); [*] OPTIMIZED cache_refresh mechanism work for storages (issue #3721); [*] ADDED Ukrainian localization (issue #3744);
[*] FIXED installation scrip issue (issue #3683);
[*] FIXED error when Settings contains more than 6 sections (issue #1656); [*] FIXED issue with cutted text on block screen for PAL with RCA connection (issue #3541); [*] FIXED numeration of "favorite" channelsисправлена нумерация избранных каналов (issue #3600, issue #3635); [*] FIXED error in python 3 support for dumpstream (issue #3602); [*] FIXED video playing in ivi application (issue #3615); [*] FIXED error while STB rebooting with changed localization in Settings (issue #3618); [*] FIXED error while autoupdate checking condition (issue #3627); [*] FIXED duration of archive record in current hour (issue #3641); [*] FIXED message problem with rebooting by pressing OK (issue #3643); [*] FIXED error in epg navigation and record making on closed channel (issue #3654); [*] FIXED "favorite" channels counting in user's profile (issue #3658); [*] FIXED problem with record dowloading when downloads module starts later (issue #3659); [*] ADDED positioning in TimeShift by pressing NEXT/PREV (PgDown/PgUp) (issue #1177); [*] ADDED HDMI event option in users settings (issue #2727); [*] ADDED aspect ratio saving for each channel (issue #3195); [*] ADDED duration archive settigns for each channel (issue #3377); [*] ADDED separate table for HD films in moderator tasks (issue #3597); [*] Settings menu doesn't available when the problems with connection appears (issue #3617); [*] ADDED option password in Accounts (issue #3625);
[*] Security fixes (issue #3479, issue #3497); [*] FIXED channel status synchronization (issue #3526); [*] FIXED MAC address chech for unique during adding (issue #3543); [*] FIXED Filename while video download from Videoclub (issue #3551); [*] FIXED Time-shift indicator behavior when time-shift wasn't been enabled (issue #3553); [*] FIXED autorization STB's via login and pass (issue #3554); [*] FIXED multiple play repeat of TV channels if channel is not http (issue #3555); [*] FIXED errors while manual update storage chache (issue #3569); [*] FIXED exit from standby while mount/unmount STB drive event (issue #3572); [*] ADDED python 3 support in dumpstream (issue #3475); [*] ADDED MAG254 support in rules of autoupdate launch (issue #3558);
[*] FIXED text overlay in update menu (issue #2882); [*] FIXED SaveScreen disabling while audio and radio playing (issue #2917); [*] FIXED clock position on the screen using "CLOCK" button (issue #3361); [*] FIXED radio service packet with "All services" packet (issue #3362); [*] FIXED record editing in "City help" section (issue #3365); [*] FIXED video playing when playlist is empty (issue #3374); [*] FIXED event sending by file from the list which contain BOM (issue #3375); [*] FIXED autoupdate while the first portal start (issue #3376); [*] FIXED video extansion while downloading from VideoClub (issue #3378); [*] FIXED API v2 while cross domain ajax using (it is necessaty to use "heads" in web server config) (issue #3411); [*] FIXED date in send_msg message (issue #3413); [*] FIXED icons displaying in Megogo application (#3414); [*] FIXED Ukrainian localization in Ex.ua application (issue #3415); [*] FIXED API v1 error which occurs when users data updating (issue #3417); [*] FIXED (disabled) comment transmission to channel in Channel list (issue #3425); [*] FIXED error which occurs while editing moderator STB data (issue #3468); [*] ADDED MAC address validation while new STB adding by addition form or API v1 (issue #2953); [*] IMPROVED device_id identification (issue #3031); [*] ADDED possibility do not set default city (default_city_id=0) for weather (issue #3326); [*] ADDED option icon displaying of low quality film (enable_video_low_quality_option) (issue #3341); [*] OPTIMIZED "Video by genre" statistic page (issue #3366); [*] UPDATED Ex.ua application (issue #3457); [*] ADDED access control to API storage, it is recommended to update "storage" directory on the storage (issue #3471);
[*] FIXED TV channel getting by genre in API v2 (issue #3246); [*] FIXED record playing which was recorded in EPG on channel archive (issue #3257); [*] FIXED error of joke saving and editing (issue #3261); [*] FIXED login verifying on unique while user data editing in API v1 (issue #3305); [*] FIXED non-correspondence of login while user data getting in API v2 (issue #3307); [*] FIXED double logining in TV channel (issue #3313); [*] FIXED typo in localization (issue #3338); [*] FIXED autoupdate for MAG255 (issue #3343); [*] ADDED displaying settingsдобавлены of clocks on the screen (issue #3122); [*] ADDED possibility to choose month while making task in archive (issue #3304); [*] UPDATED "ex.ua" application (issue #3357);
[*] FIXED massage sending using api in case if STB is missing (issue #3153); [*] FIXED temporary URLs work for nginx secure link (issue #3167); [*] FIXED channel playing after timeshift error occurs (issue #3177); [*] FIXED channel playing after exiting from archive (issue #3178); [*] FIXED error which occurs while exiting from local timeshift, if there is parameter "Save buffer" (issue #3204); [*] ADDED supporting of several run permissions of autoupdate for one STB model (issue #3079); [*] ADDED optoin of local recording (pvr & time-shift) by types of STB - allowed_stb_types_for_local_recording (issue #3127); [*] ADDED supporting of AuraHD1 and MAG255 in Autoupdate (issue #3138);
[*] FIXED data sorting in Media Browser (issue #2947); [*] FIXED work of callback_url settings (issue #2976); [*] FIXED channel playing error while exiting from archive (issue #3021); [*] FIXED WiFi settings with manual DNS (issue #3035); [*] FIXED YouTube working with proxy and authorization (issue #3037); [*] ADDED saving of IP address which is working through API v2 (issue #3063); [*] FIXED closed channel playing (issue #3093); [*] FIXED Web browser opening for 0.2.18 version (issue #3100); [*] FIXED positioning on channel list using PgUp/PgDown while closed channel (by password) (issue #2926); [*] ADDED time settings of EPG - epg_history_weeks (issue #2951); [*] ADDED option of adding date in message send_msg by event send_msg - display_send_time_in_message (issue #3004); [*] ADDED button "BACK" support (issue #3064); [*] ADDED Account number field in "Users" (issue #3064);
[*] FIXED fast switch and pressing OK on channel in preview (issue #2528); [*] FIXED downloading more that tree records in a row (issue #2705); [*] FIXED turning off local time-shift (issue #2731); [*] FIXED Swith from time-shift to channel preview by pressing STOP (issue #2905); [*] ADDED NGINX secure links support for TV channels (issue #2859); [*] OPTIMIZED mechanism retries while playing TV channels if there are problems (issue #2907); [*] OPTIMIZED EPG request from STB's using event update_epg (issue #2933); [*] OPTIMIZED last_id table (issue #2941); [*] ADDED detailed output about mysql error (issue #2959);
[*] FIXED dumpstream functioning while network problems (issue #2486); [*] FIXED import of large archived XMLTV files (issue #2650); [*] FIXED option tv_archive_playback_overlap_start while changing the next TV programm (issue #2660); [*] FIXED sorting order in user section (issue #2667); [*] FIXED channel switch with buttons Channel+/- while option invert_channel_switch_direction is on (issue #2680);
[*] FIXED pause work in timeshift mode (issue #2586); [*] FIXED access to categories with tariffs and additional_services_on=0 (issue #2596); [*] FIXED new STBs authorization (issue #2607); [*] FIXED pause work (issue #2610); [*] FIXED cover saving from Kinopoisk when the server works using proxy (issue #2637); [*] ADDED filter by status on/off in users (issue #2585); [*] DELETED files which are not using (issue #2592, issue #2593); [*] FIXED teriff sorting in admin interface (issue #2601); [*] there is row with version in advanced filter (issue #2612); [*] ADDED opportunity to display blocking reason from advanced filter (issue #2624); [*] ADDED option of playing time displacement from TV archive (issue #2642);
[*] FIXED device_id check for MAC address in the low register (issue #2479); [*] FIXED access_token reset at "hand-shake" stage (issue #2522); [*] FIXED EPG overview for adult channels (issue #2559); [*] FIXED API work when login contains more then 11 symbols (issue #2573); [*] FIXED streaming server saving (issue #2582); [*] FIXED cashe reset for concrete storage (issue #2583); [*] ADDED timeshift for local USB storage (issue #1315); [*] ADDED opportunity to filter statistic by TV channel view during mounth (issue #2477); [*] ADDED filter by unavailable (red) films in VIDEOCLUB (issue #2512); [*] ADDED strict_stb_type_check option which perform checking by allowed_stb_types (issue #2520); [*] ADDED STB API version saving of STB in database (issue #2534); [*] ADDED opportunity to perform user authorization in portal duting every start (issue #2538); [*] ADDED optional "Welcome" duting the first start (issue #2553);
[*] FIXED ex.ua on version 0.2.12 (issue #2401); [*] FIXED portal functioning on nginx+php-fpm (issue #2409); [*] FIXED error in video logo section (issue #2430); [*] FIXED order of value in column complains on video/audio (issue #2431); [*] FIXED double name of video in english localization (issue #2468); [*] FIXED display name of current wathing video using CUSTOM URL (issue #2472); [*] ADDED optional sorting in TV - only HD (issue #1582); [*] ADDED information about categories, actors, director in extended EPG description (issue #2332); [*] ADDED protection setting against plasma screen burnout(issue #2391); [*] ADDED switch source status EPG (issue #2446); [*] ADDED checking integrity information about device while loading portal (issue #2461);
[*] FIXED record playing in TV Archive (issue #2289); [*] FIXED time field in user_log, now timezone takes into account (issue #2291); [*] FIXED created field filling while new STB creates with API (issue #2297); [*] FIXED informwation about current user channel in Admin interface (issue #2320); [*] FIXED option of API log disabling (issue #2324); [*] FIXED EPG editing in Admin interface (issue #2326); [*] FIXED access to portal for new STBs (issue #2333); [*] ADDED ability to manage admin access permissions (issue #1912); [*] mysqli managing is available (issue #2122); [*] ADDED statistic of TV Archive using (issue #2260); [*] ADDED section with films list which are planning to paly (issue #2274); [*] "life time" of TV channels temporary links are moved to config - tv_tmp_link_ttl (issue #2275); [*] CHANGED mechanism of display format - by the first click the current state is displayed (issue #2280); [*] ADDED discription displaying (if it exists) of the current content in OSD by double-click of INFO (issue #2288); [*] ADDED option of continuous archive playing (dialog disabling) (issue #2290); [*] ADDED channel Logo displaying in Admin interface (issue #2322);
[*] FIXED freezzind of title "Downloads" youtube when trying to play some videos (issue #2113); [*] FIXED indication of screen format in youtube (issue #2140); [*] FIXED Exit from application ivi(issue #2143); [*] FIXED Invalidation error access_token in OAuth (issue #2211); [*] ADDED Possibility of forcing a link demand to play udp:// rtp:// channels (issue #1799); [*] ADDED Access control to the TV archive (issue #1859); [*] ADDED Access control to Timeshift records (issue #1860); [*] ADDED Window with a detailed description of program in epg (issue #1907); [*] ADDED Option default_stb_status, responsible for allowing the status of new consoles (on / off) (issue #2022); [*] FIXED Listing the contents of directories in the media browser was optimized (issue #2136); [*] ADDED Saving the STB country to the database (issue #2148); [*] IMPROVEMENT Better protection of communication STB with the portal, using the authorization key (issue #2157, issue #2179, issue #2173); [*] ADDED Output of MySQL error that arises in deploy script (issue #2172); [*] ADDED Statistic of Timeshift usage and filter in users section (issue 2178); [*] ADDED Event update_channels now restart play of the current TV channel (issue #2198); [*] ADDED Possibility of separating the server for reading and writing to mysql (issue #2218); [*] ADDED Option quality of film (for internal use) (issue #2238); [*] ADDED Aplication ex.ua (issue #2243); [*] FIXED Error of playing not permitted content (issue #2210);
[*] FIXED monitoring udp/rtp links with VLC (issue #1979); [*] FIXED error during update kinopoisk ranking (issue #2013); [*] FIXED text search results for storages (issue #2031); [*] FIXED Fixed a error when loading a file with saved SMB passwords (issue #2078, issue #2112); [*] FIXED Speed test task stopping (issue #2102); [*] FIXED now_playing_type for PVR records (issue #2119); [*] FIXED sorting packages in Account. (issue #2021); [*] ADDED ability to use an advanced filter to control access to the portal (issue #2046, issue #2128); [*] FIXED channel display in the admin interface (issue #2133); [*] ADDED in API v2 posibility to manage PVR records (issue #1812); [*] ADDED application ivi.ru (issue #1960); [*] ADDED ability to restart all tasks tv archive records from the admin interface(issue #1971); [*] ADDED option to disable the processing of HDMI events (issue #2026); [*] UPDATED aplication ex.ua (issue #2033); [*] ADDED compatibility with future versions of the Internet browser (issue #2069);
[*] FIXED Working of indicator that skips commercials (issue #1957); [*] FIXED Advertising for TV series (issue #1961); [*] FIXED Black screen while STB is loading and if its off. (issue #1965); [*] FIXED Indicator Tv Archive in EPG for NTSC (issue #1969); [*] FIXED Search throught storages. (issue #1974); [*] FIXED Weather update throught proxy (issue #1982); [*] FIXED Security error in admin interface. (issue #1987); [*] Deleted debug output when running cache_refresh. (issue #1994); [*] ADDED Ability to specify a priority (frequency of occurrence) of advertising. (issue #1953); [*] ADDED Added ability to disable advertising to specific users. (issue #1956); [*] ADDED Added filter categories for advertisement videoclub. (issue #1962); [*] FIXED Channel logorype display in timeshift mode. (issue #1990); [*] ADDED Ability specify filtr by User-agent for storages. (issue #1991);
[*] FIXED Reference to index of an item on a page report of the users (issue #1896); [*] FIXED Deleting channel's logotype (issue #1900); [*] FIXED Error that when you enter the TV opens an empty channel list (issue #1904); [*] FIXED Search cities in the localization settings (issue #1906); [*] FIXED Sort videos by date in API v2 (issue #1934); [*] Temporarily removed from the list of cities in Albania in the localization(issue #1939); [*] ADDED advertising scrolling before watching the video in the videoclub (issue #1815); [*] ADDED abitily to update status online user in API v2 (issue #1817); [*] The restriction of the gradient mask in the EPG in TV preview (issue #1818); [*] ADDED cleaning outdated data in several tables (issue #1856); [*] FIXED A newline character (issue #1864); [*] ADDED Resource SEND_EVENT in API (issue #1869); [*] FIXED Time format for the English localization in EPG (issue #1881); [*] ADDED Descr field support for EPG (issue #1887); [*] ADDED Blacklist for setting limits playback duration (issue #1892); [*] ADDED Saving the selected audio track switching between channels (issue #1893); [*] ADDED Display channel's logo (issue #1897); [*] ADDED Option to hide empty TV categories (show_empty_tv_category) (issue #1898); [*] ADDED Highlighting the last edited TV channel in admin interface (issue #1918);
[*] FIXED Channel numeration in extended EPG (issue #1851); [*] FIXED Stalker starting(problem with symbol string translation) (issue #1863); [*] FIXED Resource video-favorites in API v2 (issue #1866); [*] FIXED Record file if its name contained specific symbols. (issue #1870); [*] FIXED Name and origanal name of film in API v2 (issue #1871); [*] ADDED Optional flag paket in API it resource TARIFFS. (issue #1879); [*] ADDED Possibility to produce OAuth autorization using billing data. (issue #1816, issue #1875); [*] Improvement security (issue #1852);
[*] NEW Ability to monitor links to TV channels on each of the servers broadcasting (issue #1773); [*] NEW Option that enables call of system properties (enable_service_button) (issue #1776); [*] NEW Hide keyboard by pressing "keyboard" (issue #1775); [*] NEW Indication of partially disabled TV channels (issue #1782); [*] NEW Displays the type of track (issue #1785); [*] NEW Ability to specify the lifetime of events (issue #1787); [*] NEW Ability to control subscription throught API using internal packet ID (issue #1788); [*] NEW Support time references for monitoring when "load balancing" is on (issue #1793); [*] NEW Support authorization API for time references in Wowza (issue #1819); [*] NEW Option that allows access to the m3u playlist (issue #1826); [*] NEW Blocking message display from the billing system during starting the portal (issue #1842); [*] FIXED Task for monitoring is deleted if TV channel was deleted (issue #1777); [*] FIXED "load balancing" is on. Source is switched at streaming server if reference was turned off while monitoring (issue #1778); [*] FIXED The right original name is taken from kinopoisk (issue #1779); [*] FIXED Cursor was at last chanel when we entered TV Channels (issue #1786); [*] FIXED Tarif plan localization change (issue #1791); [*] FIXED Pause indication while changing chanel in Time-shift mode (issue #1792); [*] FIXED Watching TV archive at channels that dont have subscription (issue #1801); [*] FIXED Results localization in API v2 (issue #1804); [*] FIXED Vulnerability, thanks to Ivan Bratash (issue #1813, issue #1814, issue #1822, issue #1823, issue #1825); [*] FIXED Conflict cron tasks if there are several portals at the server (issue #1727); [*] FIXED Notification if entering NFS folder was unsuccessful (issue #1780);
[*] NEW Ability to manually add network folders in Media Browser (smb и nfs) (issue #1301); [*] NEW Ability to use a named token when creating temporary links for Wowza (issue #1628); [*] NEW Displays the title of the current movie in the admin interface when playing custom_url in Videoclub (issue #1725); [*] NEW Sorting packages on external id in the admin interface (issue #1734); [*] FIXED Starting playback of the channel when the option play_in_preview_only_by_ok is on and also when TV button is pressed (issue #1710); [*] FIXED Error when saving video description in the admin interface (issue #1724); [*] FIXED In Megogo loading missing images (issue #1726); [*] FIXED Autofilling film description from Kinopoisk (issue #1761); [*] FIXED Indication of a pause when you exit the time shift (issue #1760); [*] FIXED Exit from standby when TV is on / off (issue #1765); [*] FIXED import EPG for a redirect URL (issue #1753);
[*] ADDED Optimized scripts weather update (issue #1576); [*] ADDED Reducing the load on the server when TV channels are lost (issue #1641); [*] NEW Expanded film search option at the storage (issue #1663); [*] NEW Now for the update to the kinopoisk rating is used XML API (issue #1673); [*] NEW Playback of the channel at the entrance to the TV and the option play_in_preview_only_by_ok (issue #1585); [*] NEW Reboot portal event (issue #1595); [*] NEW When an event is received from the HDMI (on / off) portal goes to the main menu (issue #1622); [*] NEW Added option to always-on subtitles (always_enabled_subtitles) (issue #1575); [*] FIXED Errors when saving video description in the presence of special characters (issue #1408); [*] FIXED Brightness, saturation and contrast option is off for MAG250 (issue #1686); [*] FIXED Out of standby when the option display_menu_after_loading (issue #1581); [*] FIXED Channel numbering in the extended EPG when the option enable_numbering_in_order (issue #1608); [*] FIXED Cover downloading from Kinopoisk (issue #1675); [*] FIXED Update, and delete records in ACCOUNTS in API (issue #1679); [*] FIXED Field genre_ids for the resource VIDEO in APIv2 (issue #1681); [*] FIXED Error when passing through the boundary of the channel list if the user closes the channel (issue #1687); [*] FIXED Indication of the future transfer record after restarting STB (issue #1697);
[*] fixed nPVR option activation in TV channed editing (issue #1627); [*] fixed work of enable_playback_limit option (issue #1640); [*] fixed auto pppoe configuration (issue #1659); [*] strict oss_url status check becomes optional (issue #1623);
[*] free time on server doesn't display in records category while remotepvr switched off (issue #1563); [*] Button "download" is unclickable now if downloads is switched off (issue #1564); [*] fixed channel playing at the last page of channels, if the option play_in_preview_only_by_ok switched on(issue #1571); [*] fixed channel playing if there is play_channel event (issue #1596); [*] added opportunity of account management using API and "login" (USERS resource) (issue #1570); [*] added opportunity to get and change "phone" field and "comment" of USERS and ACCOUNTS resources in API (issue #1574); [*] changed logic of answer analyz, which is getting from oss_url - if there are error and no status field, then the loading stops (issue #1591);
[*] оптимизированы события перезагрузки при смене тарифа (issue #1504); [*] исправлено дублирование epg при отсутствии сортировки по дате в источнике (issue #1487); [*] исправлена локализация сообщения о смене тарифа и начале/окончании записи на сервере (issue #1496); [*] исправлен сброс локализации раздела настроек при открытом интернет браузере (issue #1511); [*] исправлена корректировка времени записи на USB в EPG (issue #1520); [*] исправлена установка буфера в настройках (issue #1523); [*] исправлен просмотр запароленного канала (issue #1532); [*] исправлен в API доступ к ACCOUNTS по лицевому счету (issue #1535); [*] исправлено проигрывание распакованных iso в медиа браузере (issue #1541); [*] исправлено проигрывание в YouTube (issue #1551); [*] исправлено автообновление для MAG245 (issue #1552); [*] исправлено обновление страницы при остановке записи на сервере (issue #1558); [*] исправлен выход из портала при включенного проигрывании аудио (issue #1562); [*] исправлена работа медиа браузера при отсутствии тв каналов в подписке (issue #1565); [*] добавлена возможность привязывать к тв каналу определенные хранилища для PVR (issue #1377); [*] в API v2 добавлена возможность управлять списком недосмотренного видео (issue #1380); [*] добавлена автоматическая инициализация .tasks файла на хранилищах (issue #1434); [*] добавлена возможность использования внешних субтитров в видеоклубе (issue #1436); [*] добавлена возможность подписки на опциональные пакеты через API а также добавлены дополнительные поля для учетной записи (онлайн, ip, версия прошивки) (issue #1440); [*] добавлена возможность масштабирования изображений в медиа браузере (issue #1463); [*] добавлена возможность использования другого порта для apache на хранилище (issue #1517); [*] проверка мак адреса на валидность теперь опциональна (issue #1518); [*] добавлена возможность выбора кодировки для внешних субтитров (issue #1534); [*] отключенные тв каналы на можераторских приставках теперь затеняются (issue #1538); [*] добавлена опция для проигрывания каналов по кнопке OK в предпросмотре (play_in_preview_only_by_ok) (issue #1542); [*] опция для отключения отображения каналов, отсутствующих в подписке, теперь работает и при отключенных тарифных планах (issue #1545);
v 4.8.11