Do not edit file config.ini! If you want to change some settings - create file custom.ini and add the necessary configuration.
Do not copy the entire content of config.ini in custom.ini. Add customized sections to custom.ini only.
Timezone settings. Set timezone that is used on server.
default_timezone = Europe/Kiev
City for STB by default. Used to display weather.
; See and default_city_id = 25
Localization by default. If STB have localization that doesn't set in allowed_locales
, the localization in default_locale
will be selected.
; Make sure that your system support this locales ; e.g. run $locale -a default_locale = ru_RU.utf8
List of available locales.
allowed_locales[Русский] = ru_RU.utf8 allowed_locales[English] = en_GB.utf8
Paramentrs that are used to connect to MySQL
mysql_host = localhost mysql_user = stalker mysql_pass = 1 db_name = stalker_db
Paramentrs that are used to connect to MySQL in read only mode. Is used when several MySQL servers are used. One for read, one for write.
read_mysql_host = localhost read_mysql_user = stalker read_mysql_pass = 1 read_db_name = stalker_db
Адрес сервера, к которому будет происходить обращение при попытке проигрывания фильма с протоколом HTTP. Данная опция заменяет адрес сервера хранилища на свое значение.
nfs_proxy = localhost
Опция, используемая вместе с настройкой временных ссылок для ТВ каналов. В значении указывается адрес, по которому сервер, обрабатывающий временные ссылки, будет пропускать после валидации этой ссылки. В обычной работе рекомендуется использовать пустое значение.
;stream_proxy = '' stream_proxy = localhost
Имя класса, в котором отвечающего за связь с биллинговой системой.
; Wrapper class (should be in the /server/lib/) oss_wrapper = SimpleOssWrapper
Ссылка, по которой автоматически загружаются данные по приставке при загрузке портала и входе в раздел Сведения в личном кабинете. GET параметром автоматически передается MAC (mac) приставки. Формат ответа:
{ "status":"OK", "results":{ "mac":"00:1A:79:01:XX:XX", "ls":"12345", "status":1, "fname":"Arnold Schwarzenegger", "phone":"555-99-00", "end_date":"2012-11-10", "tariff":"super_mega_tariff" } }
oss_url = '' strict_oss_url_check = true ;auth_url = http://localhost/stalker_portal/server/tools/auth_simple.php ;on_subscribe_hook_url = http://localhost/stalker_portal/server/tools/on_subscribe.php ;on_unsubscribe_hook_url = http://localhost/stalker_portal/server/tools/on_subscribe.php enable_subscription = true enable_tariff_plans = false show_unsubscribed_tv_channels = false allow_subscription_from_stb = true option_services[] = disable_vclub_ad
all_modules[] = media_browser all_modules[] = tv all_modules[] = tv_archive all_modules[] = time_shift all_modules[] = epg.reminder all_modules[] = epg.recorder all_modules[] = epg all_modules[] = epg.simple all_modules[] = vclub all_modules[] = ex all_modules[] = olltv all_modules[] = megogo all_modules[] = ivi all_modules[] = vidimax all_modules[] = downloads_dialog all_modules[] = downloads all_modules[] = youtube all_modules[] = karaoke all_modules[] = radio all_modules[] = weather.current all_modules[] = all_modules[] = records all_modules[] = remotepvr all_modules[] = pvr_local all_modules[] = settings.parent all_modules[] = settings.localization all_modules[] = settings.update all_modules[] = settings.playback all_modules[] = settings.common all_modules[] = settings.network_status all_modules[] = game.lines all_modules[] = game.memory all_modules[] = game.sudoku all_modules[] = picasa all_modules[] = settings ;all_modules[] = course.cbr all_modules[] = course.nbu all_modules[] = all_modules[] = cityinfo all_modules[] = horoscope all_modules[] = anecdote all_modules[] = game.mastermind all_modules[] = account all_modules[] = demo all_modules[] = infoportal all_modules[] = internet all_modules[] = service_management all_modules[] = account_menu disabled_modules[] = vclub disabled_modules[] = karaoke disabled_modules[] = disabled_modules[] = cityinfo disabled_modules[] = horoscope disabled_modules[] = anecdote disabled_modules[] = game.mastermind disabled_modules[] = infoportal
portal_url = /stalker_portal/ screenshots_url = /stalker_portal/screenshots/ ;customization_path = /var/www/customization/ max_page_items = 14 display_menu_after_loading = false daemon_api_url = http://localhost:3000/ stalker_api_url = http://localhost/stalker_portal/api/ ;allowed_stb_types = MAG200,MAG245,MAG250,AuraHD ; Middleware server http proxy ;http_proxy = tcp:// ;http_proxy_login = login ;http_proxy_password = password ; STB http proxy ;stb_http_proxy_host = ;stb_http_proxy_port = 3128 ;stb_http_proxy_user = '' ;stb_http_proxy_pass = '' ;stb_http_proxy_exclude_list = ' 192.168.1.*' ; Image update http url. http://update_url/[200|250|aurahd]/imageupdate update_url = '' ; Timeout for polling the server in seconds. Set between 30 and 300. watchdog_timeout = 120 ;administrator_email = root@localhost ; Log errors to stream_error table enable_stream_error_logging = false deny_720p_gmode_on_mag200 = true ; Log should appear in /var/log/stalkerd/mac_clone_error.log log_mac_clones = false enable_connection_problem_indication = true enable_mac_format_validation = true exchange_rate_classes[] = Course exchange_rate_classes[] = CourseCbr enable_m3u_file = false enable_hdmi_events_handler = true ; 1 - on, 0 - off ;default_stb_status = 1 enable_timeshift_tmp_link = false ; in seconds plasma_saving_timeout = 600
; API required for tv archive, pvr and billing enable_api = false ; For security reasons it is highly recommended to use HTTP authentication ;api_auth_login = stalker ;api_auth_password = secret_pass enable_api_log = true ; Timeout in seconds rest_client_timeout = 3 rest_client_connection_timeout = 1 enable_api_v2 = true oauth_force_mac_check = false oauth_force_serial_number_check = false ; Access types = mac, bearer api_v2_access_type = bearer wsdl_uri = http://localhost/stalker_portal/api/soap.php?wsdl
; Limiting the duration of continuous playback enable_playback_limit = false ; List of MAC addresses for which limitation will not work. ;playback_limit_whitelist[] = '' ; Enable buffering progress bar enable_buffering_indication = false logarithm_volume_control = false enable_arrow_keys_setpos = false always_enabled_subtitles = false
; 0 - not defined, 1 - Verimatrix, 2 - SecureMedia, 4-10 - custom CAS ;cas_type = 0 ;cas_params[server_addr] = ;cas_params[server_port] = 80 ;cas_params[company_name] = "" ;cas_params[ip_id] = 1 ;cas_params[error_level] = 0 ;cas_additional_params[param1] = "value1" ;cas_additional_params[param2] = "value2" ;cas_hw_descrambling = 0 ;cas_ini_file = file:///
rtsp_type = 4 rtsp_flags = 0
master_cache_expire = 365 ; Number of errors before the automatic switch-off storage max_storage_failures = 3 ; Period in seconds in which errors are counted storage_stat_period = 300
deny_change_user_status = false deny_delete_user = false
; Max record length in minutes record_max_length = 180 ; Per one user total_records_length = 600
; number of pieces of archive records ; 1 piece = 1 hour tv_archive_parts_number = 168 ; Tv archive playback overlap, in minutes ;tv_archive_playback_overlap = 5 tv_archive_continued = false
enable_tv_quality_filter = false enable_numbering_in_order = false show_adult_tv_channels_in_common_list = true invert_channel_switch_direction = false play_in_preview_only_by_ok = false use_named_wowza_token = false show_empty_tv_category = true show_tv_channel_logo = true force_ch_link_check = false tv_tmp_link_ttl = 5 show_tv_only_hd_filter_option = false show_channel_logo_in_preview = false
;demo_video_url = '' ; example parts: vclub, tv, media_browser, infoportal_sub, settings_sub ... ;demo_part_video_url[vclub] = '' ;demo_part_video_url[tv] = ''
vclub_mag100_filter = false kinopoisk_rating = true show_purchased_filter = false show_adult_movies_in_common_list = true
horoscope_rss =
;test_download_url = ''
memcache_host = localhost
use_embedded_settings = false enable_service_button = false
module[] = lock module[] = lang module[] = update module[] = net_info net_info[] = wired net_info[] = pppoe net_info[] = wireless net_info[] = speed module[] = video module[] = audio module[] = net net[] = ethernet ethernet[] = dhcp ethernet[] = dhcp_manual ethernet[] = manual ethernet[] = no_ip net[] = pppoe pppoe[] = dhcp pppoe[] = dhcp_manual pppoe[] = disable net[] = wifi wifi[] = dhcp wifi[] = dhcp_manual wifi[] = manual module[] = advanced module[] = servers module[] = dev_info module[] = reload module[] = internal_portal module[] = reboot