Are used to send on STB/group of STB certain events. (Event are not directly send to STB they are stored on server and STB time to time ask server for available events)
Types of events
Send_msg - sens message to STB. Example: “Today from 13:00 till 15:00 where will be technical works so server can be unavailable.”
Reboot – STB reboot.
Reload portal - portal reload.
Update_channels - update channel list on STB.
Play_channel - Play certain channel on STB.
Mount_all_storages - Was used for MAG-100.
Switch_off - On client interface will be : “STB is blocked” (untill reload)
Update_image - Update STB via HTTP.(URL of update should be added in config.)
en/stalker/events.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/17 11:23 (external edit)