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Interface Localization

Localization of STB's interface is based on library using gettext

Utility for easy transfer - Poedit

The order of the localization

  • Set the server necessary locale and make sure that it appeared in the output:
locale -a
  • For Debian/Ubuntu it is neccessary to add in /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local the string with needed locale and then to do:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
  • The list of the supported locales are in /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED.
  • To create directory with locale's name (it is enough two first letters from output locale -a) in /server/locale/; it is neccessary to create cataloge LC_MESSAGES there.
  • To copy in /server/locale/[NEW_LOCALE]/LC_MESSAGES/ file stb.po, for example from english localization.
  • To open /server/locale/[NEW_LOCALE]/LC_MESSAGES/stb.po with help of Poedit.
  • To translate.
  • To save the result. There is file must appear near the stb.po (it's the localalization using file in portal).

In some cases it is neccessary to restart apache.

Add/rename TV and videoclub genres

  • New genre in TV can be added it MySQL database in table tv_genre
  • New genre in Videoclub can be added it MySQL database in table cat_genre categories in table media_category
  • And then to ../server/tools/misctranslations.php and translate it using Poedit

To change the existing one it is enough to add it using Poedit.


Settings should be translated separatly in stalker_portal/external/settings/js/langs/

Then add new language in /external/settings/index.html in

var all_lang=[“ru”,“bg”,“uk”];

so it will be for example like next

var all_lang=[“ru”,“bg”,“uk”,“sk”];

New Admin interface

New files according to new localization should be created in:


en/stalker/interface_localization.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/17 11:23 (external edit)