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The mechanism of tariff plan


From Stalker middleware 4.8.36 there is an ability of turning on the mechanism of tariff plan.

The main characteristics of the mechanism:

  • There are tariff plans, package of services and services.
  • Tariff plan consist of the package of services.
  • Each package contains a set of similar services, such as a list of available channels, movies, categories, etc.
  • The package of services can have an attribute “optional” in this case it is disabled by default. Subscription to an optional package can be done either by the user with STB or using the admin interface by administrator.
  • The user account can be linked only to one tariff plan.
  • There is “Personal account” in the main menu which contains tariff plan and list of the available packages.
  • There is “Tariffs” category in admin interface in which you can control tariff plans and packages and change current tariff plan in user's profile.

Turning on

To turn on tariff plan - it is neccessary to type next in configuration file:

enable_tariff_plans = true
While turning on tariff plan - all users which have no tariff plan will lose channel lists, video and the part of categories. It is recommended to switch between tariff plans while scheduled works or in a separate database with import.

Manual control

In admin interface of “Tariff” category formarly packages of service created. When tariff plan is created - the neccessary packages attached to it. When the new account created or the existed account edit - it is possible to know the attachment to the tariff plan.

Work with API

It is possible to control user account and tariff plan's attachment with API.


The work with user account attachment to the tariff plan is realized with ACCOUNTS


en/stalker/tariff.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/17 11:23 (external edit)