If the variables differ then it is necessary to set the correct variables.
Example of checking portal1 and portal2 variables. Example is for 0.2.14-r7.
:// ********************************************************************** function check_portal_vars(){ var arr = [ '', '' ]; //portal_1 portal_2 use_portal_dhcp portal_dhcp var real_arr = [ {"value":getEnvironmentValue('portal1'),"variable":"portal1"}, {"value":getEnvironmentValue('portal2'),"variable":"portal2"} ]; for(var i = 0;i<4;i++){ if(real_arr[i].value != arr[i]){ if(arr[i] != 'no_matter'){ setEnvironmentValue(real_arr[i].variable,arr[i]); } } } } // **********************************************************************
: after player will initialized// ********************************************************************** check_portal_vars(); // **********************************************************************
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="CSS Stylesheet" href="style.css"> <title></title> <script language="JavaScript" src="var_index.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" src="loader.js" defer="true"></script> <style type="text/css"> body {margin:0px} .ArialBold18{ font-family: "Myriad Pro"; font-size:25px; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; color:#FFF; } .Verdana14Grey{ font-family: "Myriad Pro"; font-size:19px; font-weight:normal; text-align:center; color:#888; text-shadow:#0000FF 0 0 20px; } #portalsMenu{ position:relative; top:0px; width:620px; height:150px; margin:auto; text-align: center; display:none; } #title{ position:relative; top:0px; left:0px; width:620px; height:50px; text-align: center; font-family: "Myriad Pro"; font-size:25px; font-weight:normal; text-align:center; color:#CCC; } .menu_table{ position:relative; top:0px; width:620px; height:150px; margin:auto; text-align: center; } .menu_normal{ height:40px; font-family:"Myriad Pro"; font-size:30px; color:#a7b7d6; } .fadeBg{ position:absolute; left:0px; width:620px; height:150px; font-family:"Myriad Pro"; font-size:40px; color:#FFFFFF; text-align:center; line-height: 150px; margin-top: 0px; background: url(img/fade_bg.png) no-repeat; z-index:1; visibility:hidden; } #menu0 {top: -5px} #menu1 {top: 35px} </style> <script> var BLACK_SCREEN_WHILE_LOADING = 0; // entering the portal - on the black screen without messages (Пермь) var rowsTotal = 0, portal_1, portal_2, curPageId, timerRedirect, timerDhcpPortal, timerToMenu, repeatTimer, noPortalsURL, servicePressed = false; var curMenuIdx = null, repeatTimeout = false, // it is necessary to restart timer for transition to menu of portals LOADING = '', PORTAL_LOADING = '', SERVICE_LOADING = '', DHCP_PORTAL_LOADING = '', sm_DirectionMsg = '', sm_Message = '', SERVICE_PRESS_INTERVAL = 10000, CONTINUE = true, patIP = /[\n\w\S\s]*PORTAL_IP="(\S+)*"[\n\w\S\s]*/, patPortal1 = /[\n\w\S\s]*PORTAL_1="(\S+)*"[\n\w\S\s]*/, patPortal2 = /[\n\w\S\s]*PORTAL_2="(\S+)*"[\n\w\S\s]*/; var PORTAL_NAME_MAX_LENGTH = 24, CUT_STRING_SYMBOL = '...'; // ***************************************************************************************************** function check_portal_vars(){ var arr = [ '', '', 'false', '', '', '2', '2' ]; //portal_1 portal_2 use_portal_dhcp portal_dhcp var real_arr = [ {"value":getEnvironmentValue('portal1'),"variable":"portal1"}, {"value":getEnvironmentValue('portal2'),"variable":"portal2"} ]; for(var i = 0;i<4;i++){ if(real_arr[i].value != arr[i]){ if(arr[i] != 'no_matter'){ setEnvironmentValue(real_arr[i].variable,arr[i]); } } } } // ********************************************************************** function init(){ if (!STB_EMULATION) { initXpcom(); } try{ stb.InitPlayer(); // ********************************************************************** check_portal_vars(); // ********************************************************************** }catch(e){ } //alert(document.location.search); window.resizeTo(720, 576); x=(screen.width - 720)/2 y=(screen.height - 576)/2 window.moveTo(x, y); if(/nms/i.test(window.location.search)){ _debug('NMS version'); BLACK_SCREEN_WHILE_LOADING = 1; } _debug('************* INDEX.html : STB STARTED HERE ******************'); curLangIdx = getCurrentLanguage(); // _debug('curLang = '+getCurrentLanguage()); stb.EnableServiceButton(false); loadScript ('lang/'+curLangIdx+'/resource.js', 'fillPage()'); failTimer = setTimeout(languageResourcesFailed, NO_LANGUAGE_TIMEOUT); } /*function ifNoLanguage(){ //function of langueage initializing, if the variable language contains trash setEnvironmentValue('language','en'); setTimeout(curLangIdx = getCurrentLanguage(),2000) _debug('curLang = '+getCurrentLanguage()); loadScript ('lang/'+curLangIdx+'/resource.js', 'fillPage()'); } */ function fillPage(){ if (!checkLanguageResourceFile()) { return; } if (!BLACK_SCREEN_WHILE_LOADING){ LOADING = '<span class="ArialBold18">' + pmenu_Loading + '</span>'; PORTAL_LOADING = '<span class="ArialBold18">' + pmenu_PortalLoading + '</span>'; DHCP_PORTAL_LOADING = '<span class="ArialBold18">' + pmenu_DhcpPortalLoading + '</span>'; SERVICE_LOADING = '<span class="ArialBold18">' + pmenu_ServiceMenuLoading + '</span>'; //document.body.style.background = 'url(new_menu/img/576/bg.jpg) no-repeat'; _debug("background SETUP!") } // Delaying main init() for background have time to load setTimeout(init1,200); } function init1(){ var a = check_portals(); switch (a) { case 0: noPortalsURL = "services.html"; // by defeault will be redirected to service menu sm_DirectionMsg = SERVICE_LOADING; sm_Message = ''; var time = 1; var use_portal_dhcp = getEnvironmentValue('use_portal_dhcp').toString(); if (use_portal_dhcp == "true"){ var portal_dhcp = readFromStb_URL ('portal_dhcp', ''); if (portal_dhcp){ // переходим на портал DHCP noPortalsURL = portal_dhcp; sm_DirectionMsg = DHCP_PORTAL_LOADING; sm_Message = pmenu_PressServiceButton; time = SERVICE_PRESS_INTERVAL; } } if (BLACK_SCREEN_WHILE_LOADING){ document.location = noPortalsURL; return; } else{ document.getElementById('menu_container').innerHTML = sm_DirectionMsg; document.getElementById('gotoServ').innerHTML = sm_Message; timerDhcpPortal = setTimeout(redirectNoPortals,time); } break; case 1: var time = 1; var use_portal_dhcp = getEnvironmentValue('use_portal_dhcp').toString(); if (use_portal_dhcp == "true" && !(/nms/i.test(window.location.search))){ var portal_dhcp = readFromStb_URL ('portal_dhcp', ''); if (portal_dhcp ){ // переходим на портал DHCP noPortalsURL = portal_dhcp; sm_DirectionMsg = DHCP_PORTAL_LOADING; sm_Message = pmenu_PressServiceButton; time = SERVICE_PRESS_INTERVAL; _debug(noPortalsURL); document.location = noPortalsURL; timerDhcpPortal = setTimeout(redirectNoPortals,time); } } // set one portal - it will be loaded in 3 seconds interval if (BLACK_SCREEN_WHILE_LOADING){ // No messages will be at the screen, no background, div of the page display = none. document.getElementById("pageIndex").style.display = 'none'; } else{ // Send message to the screen, background should be loaded at that moment. document.getElementById("menu_container").innerHTML = PORTAL_LOADING; document.getElementById('gotoServ').innerHTML = pmenu_PressServiceButton; } timerRedirect = setTimeout(redirect,SERVICE_PRESS_INTERVAL); break; case 2: var time = 1; var use_portal_dhcp = getEnvironmentValue('use_portal_dhcp').toString(); if (use_portal_dhcp == "true" && !(/nms/i.test(window.location.search))){ var portal_dhcp = readFromStb_URL ('portal_dhcp', ''); if (portal_dhcp){ // переходим на портал DHCP noPortalsURL = portal_dhcp; sm_DirectionMsg = DHCP_PORTAL_LOADING; sm_Message = pmenu_PressServiceButton; time = SERVICE_PRESS_INTERVAL; _debug(noPortalsURL); document.location = noPortalsURL; timerDhcpPortal = setTimeout(redirectNoPortals,time); } } // bot portals are set - load portals menu if (BLACK_SCREEN_WHILE_LOADING){ // background was turned off. Now turning on it //document.body.style.background = 'url(img/main.png) no-repeat'; setTimeout (continue_TwoPortals,1); return; } else{ document.getElementById('menu_container').innerHTML = LOADING; sm_Message = pmenu_PressServiceButton; timerToMenu = setTimeout(init_continue,1); } break; } rowsTotal = a; curMenuIdx = 0; } function redirectNoPortals(){ document.location = noPortalsURL; } function continue_TwoPortals(){ rowsTotal = 2; curMenuIdx = 0; sm_Message = pmenu_PressServiceButton; timerToMenu = setTimeout(init_continue,1); } function init_continue(){ document.getElementById('gotoServ').innerHTML = sm_Message; if (servicePressed) { document.location = "services.html"; return; } try{ stb.SetVideoState(0); }catch(e){ _debug(e) } show_menu(); } // Function check if there are any notes about portal in CFG and returns theirs quantity from 0 function check_portals(){ var ret = 0; if (portal_1 = getPortalName('portal1')) // getPortalName("Portal1") ret++; if (portal_2 = getPortalName('portal2')) // getPortalName("Portal2") ret++; return ret; } function beforeLoadingPortal(msg){ if (BLACK_SCREEN_WHILE_LOADING){ document.body.style.background = 'none'; document.getElementById("pageIndex").style.display = 'none'; } else{ document.getElementById("menu_container").innerHTML = msg; document.getElementById("gotoServ").innerHTML = ""; } } // There is portal_1 or portal_2 function redirect(){ var p, url; beforeLoadingPortal(PORTAL_LOADING); if(!portal_1){ portal_1 = portal_2; } p = getProtoAndHostname(portal_1); if (p.protocol) { url = portal_1; } else{ url = 'http://' + portal_1; } location.href = url; } function show_menu(){ var b = ''; b += '<div id="portalsMenu">'; b += '<div id="title"></div>'; b += '<div class="menu_table">'; b += '<div class="menu_normal" id="td0"></div>'; b += '<div class="menu_normal" id="td1"></div>'; b += '</div>'; b += '<div class="fadeBg" id="menu0"></div>'; b += '<div class="fadeBg" id="menu1"></div>'; b += '</div>'; // document.getElementById('menu_container').innerHTML = b; document.getElementById('title').innerHTML = pmenu_PortalChoice; document.getElementById('td0').innerHTML = cutString(portal_1,PORTAL_NAME_MAX_LENGTH); document.getElementById('td1').innerHTML = cutString(portal_2,PORTAL_NAME_MAX_LENGTH); document.getElementById('menu0').innerHTML = cutString(portal_1,PORTAL_NAME_MAX_LENGTH); document.getElementById('menu1').innerHTML = cutString(portal_2,PORTAL_NAME_MAX_LENGTH); document.getElementById("portalsMenu").style.display = "block"; menuItem_Select(curMenuIdx); } function cutString(str,len){ var a = str; if (a.length > len){ a = str.substr(0,len); a += CUT_STRING_SYMBOL; } return a; } function menuItem_Select(idx){ if (idx != null) { document.getElementById("td"+idx).style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("menu"+idx).style.visibility = "visible"; } } function menuItem_Unselect(idx){ if (idx != null) { document.getElementById("td"+idx).style.visibility = "visible"; document.getElementById("menu"+idx).style.visibility = "hidden"; } } function getkeydown(e) { _debug('getkeydown() keyCode:'+e.keyCode+'; which:'+e.which+ ' alt: '+ e.altKey+ ' ctrlKey: '+e.ctrlKey); ec = e.keyCode; ew = e.which; es = e.shiftKey; pat = /^(\S+)_(\S+)/; // NOTE!!! This code is for This code is needed in order to distinguish the codes generated by the remote control and keyboard because it does not handle keyboard events in different browsers. // Agreement: // Ctrl = 1, Alt = 0, keyCode = 32 (Space) : is ENTER at the keyboard or OK on RC // Ctrl = 0, Alt = 1, keyCode = 32 (Space) : is SPACE at the keyboard or MIC on ПДУ if (ec == 32 && e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey) { ec = 13; ew = 13; } if (CHECK_ALT_CTRL) { altCtrl = e.altKey ;//&& e.ctrlKey; } else{ altCtrl = 1; } /*if(altCtrl){ ec = 0; } else { if(e.ctrlKey){ ew=0; } else{ if(ec > 90 && ew != 0){ ec = 0; } } }*/ if (altCtrl && ew == 117) { // "Power" button if (!inStandBy) { // Turning off if (timerRedirect){ clearTimeout(timerRedirect); timerRedirect = null; repeatTimer = 'Redirect'; repeatTimeout = true; } if (timerToMenu){ clearTimeout(timerToMenu); timerToMenu = null; repeatTimer = 'ToMenu'; repeatTimeout = true; } } else{ // ВКЛЮЧАЕМ if (repeatTimeout){ switch (repeatTimer){ case 'Redirect': timerRedirect = setTimeout(redirect, SERVICE_PRESS_INTERVAL); break; case 'ToMenu': timerToMenu = setTimeout(init_continue, SERVICE_PRESS_INTERVAL); break; } repeatTimeout = false; repeatTimer = null; } } inStandBy = !inStandBy; if (!STB_EMULATION){ stb_OnOff(inStandBy); stb.StandBy(inStandBy); } return; } if (inStandBy) { CONTINUE = false; return; } switch (ec){ case 38: // Up { if (curMenuIdx) { menuItem_Unselect(curMenuIdx); curMenuIdx--; menuItem_Select(curMenuIdx); } break; } case 40: // Down { if (curMenuIdx < rowsTotal-1) { menuItem_Unselect(curMenuIdx); curMenuIdx++; menuItem_Select(curMenuIdx); } break; } case 13: // OK gotoPage(curMenuIdx); break; case 120: // "Services" if(!servicePressed){ infoButtonPressed(); } break; } if (CFG_PARAM_DEBUG) { switch (ew) { case 113: // Debuging "Info" using button "Q". This code doesn't work on the RC infoButtonPressed(); break; } } } function infoButtonPressed(){ if (timerRedirect){ clearTimeout(timerRedirect); timerRedirect = null; } if (timerToMenu){ clearTimeout(timerToMenu); timerToMenu = null; } //document.getElementById("menu_container").innerHTML = SERVICE_LOADING; document.getElementById("gotoServ").innerHTML = ""; beforeLoadingPortal(SERVICE_LOADING); sm_Message = ''; servicePressed = true; _debug('servicePressed = '+servicePressed); setTimeout(init_continue,100); } // menuIdx = индекс от 0 строки в меню function gotoPage(menuIdx){ beforeLoadingPortal(PORTAL_LOADING); var url = eval("portal_"+(menuIdx+1)); var p = getProtoAndHostname(url); if (!p.protocol) { url = 'http://' + url; } //document.location = 'http://'+serv_ip+'/'+portal+'/index.html'; _debug("HERE !!!! > "+url); location.href = url; } </script> </head> <body onload="loader()" onKeyPress="getkeydown(event)"> <div id="pageIndex"> <table align="center" width="630" height="420" style="table-layout:fixed;"> <tr align="center" valign="middle"> <td height="400" id="menu_container"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="*"></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="gotoServ" class="Verdana14Grey" height="50" align="center"></td> </tr> </table> </div> <!-- Модальное окно --> <div id="pad" align="center"></div> <div id="msgWindow" align="center"></div> <!-- /Модальное окно --> <div id="xpcom" style="margin:2px;"></div> <div id="emul"></div> </body> </html>
:// ********************************************************************** PORTAL_1=`fw_printenv portal1 2>/dev/null` PORTAL_1=${PORTAL_1#portal1=} if [ "$PORTAL_1" != "" ] then fw_setenv portal1 PORTAL_1= fi PORTAL_2=`fw_printenv portal2 2>/dev/null` PORTAL_2=${PORTAL_2#portal2=} if [ "$PORTAL_2" != "" ] then fw_setenv portal2 PORTAL_2= fi // **********************************************************************
#!/bin/sh #ipaddr_conf - static IP #netmask - network mask #gatewayip - GateWay #dnsip - DNS #ntpurl - NTP url #mcip_conf - bootstrap IP #mcport_conf - bootstrap Port #mcip_img_conf - image IP #mcip_port_conf - image Port #portal1 - portal 1 url #portal2 - portal 2 url #volume - volume (int) #language - language index (int) // ********************************************************************** PORTAL_1=`fw_printenv portal1 2>/dev/null` PORTAL_1=${PORTAL_1#portal1=} if [ "$PORTAL_1" != "" ] then fw_setenv portal1 PORTAL_1= fi PORTAL_2=`fw_printenv portal2 2>/dev/null` PORTAL_2=${PORTAL_2#portal2=} if [ "$PORTAL_2" != "" ] then fw_setenv portal2 PORTAL_2= fi // ********************************************************************** # . /etc/stb_params PORTAL_1=`fw_printenv portal1 2>/dev/null` PORTAL_1=${PORTAL_1#portal1=} PORTAL_2=`fw_printenv portal2 2>/dev/null` PORTAL_2=${PORTAL_2#portal2=} PORTAL_TMP=`cat /ram/dhcp_ready | grep "portal_dhcp="` PORTAL_TMP=${PORTAL_TMP%%#*} PORTAL_TMP=${PORTAL_TMP#portal_dhcp=} USE_PORTAL_DHCP=`fw_printenv use_portal_dhcp 2>/dev/null` USE_PORTAL_DHCP=${USE_PORTAL_DHCP#use_portal_dhcp=} if [ -z "$USE_PORTAL_DHCP" ]; then fw_setenv use_portal_dhcp true USE_PORTAL_DHCP=true fi if [ "$USE_PORTAL_DHCP" != "true" ]; then PORTAL_DHCP= else PORTAL_DHCP=`fw_printenv portal_dhcp 2>/dev/null` PORTAL_DHCP=${PORTAL_DHCP#portal_dhcp=} if [ "$PORTAL_DHCP" != "$PORTAL_TMP" ]; then fw_setenv portal_dhcp $PORTAL_TMP PORTAL_DHCP=$PORTAL_TMP fi fi upd_sboot=`cat /ram/dhcp_ready | grep "upd_sboot="` upd_sboot=${upd_sboot%%#*} upd_sboot=${upd_sboot#upd_sboot=} upd_sb_ver=`cat /ram/dhcp_ready | grep "upd_sb_ver="` upd_sb_ver=${upd_sb_ver%%#*} upd_sb_ver=${upd_sb_ver#upd_sb_ver=} if [ -n "$upd_sboot" ]; then /usr/bin/update_second_boot.sh $upd_sboot $upd_sb_ver fi upd_ver=`cat /ram/dhcp_ready | grep "upd_ver="` upd_ver=${upd_ver%%#*} upd_ver=${upd_ver#upd_ver=} upd_url=`cat /ram/dhcp_ready | grep "upd_url="` upd_url=${upd_url%%#*} upd_url=${upd_url#upd_url=} upd_mode=`cat /ram/dhcp_ready | grep "upd_mode="` upd_mode=${upd_mode%%#*} upd_mode=${upd_mode#upd_mode=} if [ -n "$upd_ver" ]; then echo "The update number version: $upd_ver" img_version_now=`fw_printenv Image_Version 2>/dev/null` img_version_now=${img_version_now#Image_Version=} if [ "$upd_ver" -eq "$img_version_now" ]; then echo "The number version's equal" else # We need update /usr/bin/update_img.sh $upd_ver $upd_url $upd_mode fi fi if [ "$PORTAL_1$PORTAL_2$PORTAL_DHCP" ]; then echo "Loading start page..." /usr/share/qt-4.6.0/stbapp -qws -display directfb file:///home/web/index.html else echo "Error loading portal. Service Page" /usr/share/qt-4.6.0/stbapp -qws -display directfb /home/web/services.html fi