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Language, Time & Date, Location & Weather

Interface language

In internal software of MAG200/250

  • Go to “System settings” by pressing «Setup», «Services» or «SET» on the remote control (depending on the version the remote control)
  • “Advanced settings”
  • “Language” - select the language by pressing the left or right on the remote control
  • Confirm selection by pressing the “OK” button at the bottom of the Settings window
  • To correctly apply the localization the restart is required!!!

Time and Date

STB MAG-200/250 used for time synchronization protocol NTP

If your network does not use the NTP-server, you can use the shared external NTP-servers. To work correctly with an external NTP, you must have an Internet connection on the STB.

Servers list:


North America



Additional information:

Information about using of the pool NTP.

To do this in internal software of MAG-200/250
  • Enter the “System settings” - by pressing «Setup», «Services» or «SET» on the remote control (depending on the version the remote control)
  • Select “Servers”
  • In the input field “NTP server” enter the address of the NTP server
  • Confirm “OK”
  • Enter the “Advanced Settings”
  • In the input field “Time zone” enter your time zone
  • Confirm “OK”
  • “Reboot”

1 2 3

Location and Weather

  • In the main menu of internal software select “Weather
  • Enter the name of the city or locality for which the weather will be displayed.

Using the onscreen keyboard or USB keyboard (Call/hide the onscreen keyboard press the “KB” button on the remote control)

  • In the drop-down list select the locality, and press “OK” button on the remote control
en/stb_webkit/faq/localization.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/17 11:23 (external edit)