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Operators Utilities and Manuals for 0.2.14-r8 version and higher

Requirements to OS

*nix system i386. All examples in this manual are given for Ubuntu Server 12.04 i386.

For 64-bit Systems they must additionally install the appropriate packages to supporting the 32-bit libraries. For example, for Ubuntu 14.04 - 16.04, must be installed lib32z1 package (32-bit shared libraries for AMD64)

Required packets

Example: For Ubuntu Server 12.04 i386 it is enough to install next package mtd-utils


Operator utilities allow to make three different variants of firmware image:

  • PublicImage - image which is signed with standard “public key” - STB_PUBLIC.
    Updating variants: Starting from 0.2.14-r8 updates via HTTP or USB from portal on manufacturer firmware version only, («manufacturer firmware» - firmware versions that were assembled directly by the manufacturer and provided for automatic and manual updates by manufacturer's URL).
    From Booloader menu can be updated on PublicImage or CustomImage (transitional version) via Multicast/USB with bootstrap/TFTP
  • CustomImage - image which is signed with “custom-key”. This key is created by operator without manufacturer.
    Updating variants: Updates via HTTP or USB from portal on firmware versions that are signed by the same key (custom-key). It is used if there is a need in STB update from portal (HTTP or USB update method).
    From Booloader menu can be updated on PublicImage or CustomImage (transitional version) via Multicast/USB with bootstrap/TFTP
  • OperatorImage - image which is signed with “operator key”. “Operator key” should be signed by manufacturer.
    Updating variants: Updates on firmware versions which are signed by “operators key only”.

Utilities: Operator Utilities

Before building the image of the firmware, we recommend to read the following documentation: JavaScript API, Operator's Guide
It is recommended: Run all commands with root permission. Use tar console archivator.
Warning!The Command Shell which is in the scripts and system shell can be different from each other!

Key points

1. Prepearing of uImage, uImzlib_null.img, uImzlib.img

MAG-250/254/270 using files:

  • vmlinux.bin.mag<model_number>,

MAG-256/324/351 using files:

  • uImage_mag<model_number>.clean

where is <model_number> - STB model number

vmlinux.bin.mag<model_number> or uImage_mag<model_number>.clean take from release in according to STB model and place to ./images directory.

2. Kernel sign

  • For example: MAG-250 using the next script: ./

3. Profile prepearing

* For MAG-250 using the profile - ''./img_make.profile.mag250'' 

Example of ./img_make.profile.mag250

For correct work of KERNEL_PATH operator utility should be ./uImzlib_mag250.img for MAG250 and ./uImzlib.img for MAG200. Variables ENV_VARIABLE_PATH, USERFS_VERSION, USERFS_PATH, SECONDBOOT_PATH, LOGOTYPE_PATH can be commented. In this case there will not be such section. Variable MAG200_OP_KEY should contain key identifier (ID), with which image will be signed.

  • Example:

export MAG200_OP_KEY=ID_key

where ID_KEY should be:

  • STB_PUBLIC - for publicimage making. Utilities contain public key;
  • Custom-key ID - for customimage making;
  • Operators key ID - for operatorimage making.

Porfile variables description

Example of env.txt

The most used variables

4. "Imageupdate" making


./ <version_number> "<description>" <path_to_rootfs> <modelname> <path_to_profile>


version_number version number of the image, must be a number (3 digits). After successfully upgrading variable of bootloader “Image_Version” takes this value.
“description” description of firmware image Attention! “Spaces” are not allowed. description should be escaped! After successfully upgrading variable of bootloader “Image_Desc” takes this value
path_to_rootfs the location/path to the Root File System STB. Root File System rootfs-….tar.gz you can get from release
modelname Model of STB for which the assembled image. Can be MAG200, MAG250, MAG254, MAG270
path_to_ptofile Profile/path to profile, in which additive sections can be configured. Can be ./img_make.profile.mag200 or ./img_make.profile.mag<model_number>

Example for MAG-250:

./ 218 "Test_my_version" ../250/rootfs-0.2.18r14 MAG250 ./img_make.profile.mag250

Example for MAG-256:

./ 220 "Test_my_version" ../256/i256-splash-7.7 MAG256 ./img_make.profile.mag256

Update, Automatic software update, Variables cheking system

By default, update and automatic software update is performed on the factory version.

“Software update” in “System settings” - By default, updates on manufacturer version. It is recommended to change URL of your firmware image version. Variable: update_url

“Autoupdate module” from “Settings” in main menu - By default, autoupdate is turned on and initialize update to manufacturer firmware versions. Update also available in manual is recommended to turn off or change URL to yours. Variables: autoupdate_cond, betaupdate_cond. Read more - Software autoupdate module

Variables cheking system - With purpose to increase security and control variables changing it is recommended to check necessary/critical variables while firmware version loades (for example: portal1, portal2, update_url, autoupdate_cond etc.). Read more - Checking of environment variables while loading

Notes on using GPG

The program gpg is used for working with keys and creating the digital signature of images., GNU Privacy Guard - Wikipedia

To transfer the key from one device to another you may use the following commands:

  • for preserving the information of the key in the file and:
gpg -o opsecbin.KEY --export-secret-keys ID_Key
  • for adding this key to gpg and:
gpg --import opsecbin.KEY
  • for viewing currently available keys:
gpg --list-keys

PublicImage - prepearing, making

CustomImage - prepearing, making

en/stb_webkit/faq/make_image_mag-200_250_new.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/17 11:23 (external edit)