*nix system i386. All examples in this manual are given for Ubuntu Server 12.04 i386.
For 64-bit Systems they must additionally install the appropriate packages to supporting the 32-bit libraries. For example, for Ubuntu 14.04 - 16.04, must be installed lib32z1
package (32-bit shared libraries for AMD64)
Example: For Ubuntu Server 12.04 i386 it is enough to install next package mtd-utils
Operator utilities allow to make three different variants of firmware image:
Utilities: Operator Utilities
Before building the image of the firmware, we recommend to read the following documentation: JavaScript API, Operator's Guide
It is recommended: Run all commands with root permission. Use tar console archivator.
Warning!The Command Shell which is in the scripts and system shell can be different from each other!
MAG-250/254/270 using files:
, MAG-256/324/351 using files:
where is <model_number>
- STB model number
or uImage_mag<model_number>.clean
take from release http://soft.infomir.com.ua in according to STB model and place to ./images
* For MAG-250 using the profile - ''./img_make.profile.mag250''
Example of ./img_make.profile.mag250
# Kernel's file system export KERNEL_PATH=./uImzlib_mag250.img # File name for enviroment variable export ENV_VARIABLE_PATH=./images/env_mag250.txt # Userfs export USERFS_VERSION=1 export USERFS_PATH=./images/userfs.img # File name for SecondBoot export SECONDBOOT_PATH=./images/SbootIm_mag250 # File name for Logotype #export LOGOTYPE_PATH=./images/logo.bmp.gz export MAG200_OP_KEY=STB_PUBLIC
For correct work of KERNEL_PATH
operator utility should be ./uImzlib_mag250.img
for MAG250 and ./uImzlib.img
for MAG200.
can be commented. In this case there will not be such section.
Variable MAG200_OP_KEY
should contain key identifier (ID), with which image will be signed.
export MAG200_OP_KEY=ID_key
where ID_KEY
should be:
Name | Description |
KERNEL_PATH | The location of the image file system that contains the core. If the variable is not assignment, then use the ./UImzlib.img. |
ENV_VARIABLE_PATH | This variable should contain the path to the file, which contains the bootloader variables and their meaning. An example of such a file, see env.txt, He shows how to set variables of bootloader, in particular, font color and background color. “$” Symbol should be screened. |
USERFS_VERSION | Number of image version,which should be present in NAND partition named “Userfs”. If number of current image and new one are the same, update will not work. |
USERFS_PATH | The location of the image user file system (image to be recorded in the section “NAND” with the title “Userfs”). The image is prepared using the userfs_img.sh. Previously the operator must put the necessary files to it in a subdirectory named /userfs. |
SECONDBOOT_PATH | The path to the second image bootloader. |
LOGOTYPE_PATH | The path to the file logo, prepared by the operator. |
bg_color=0x00006498 fg_color=0x00FFFFFF portal1= language=en update_url= ntpurl= timezone_conf=Europe/Kiev
./img_make.sh <version_number> "<description>" <path_to_rootfs> <modelname> <path_to_profile>
version_number | version number of the image, must be a number (3 digits). After successfully upgrading variable of bootloader “Image_Version” takes this value. |
“description” | description of firmware image Attention! “Spaces” are not allowed. description should be escaped! After successfully upgrading variable of bootloader “Image_Desc” takes this value |
path_to_rootfs | the location/path to the Root File System STB. Root File System rootfs-….tar.gz you can get from release http://soft.infomir.com.ua |
modelname | Model of STB for which the assembled image. Can be MAG200 , MAG250 , MAG254 , MAG270 |
path_to_ptofile | Profile/path to profile, in which additive sections can be configured. Can be ./img_make.profile.mag200 or ./img_make.profile.mag<model_number> |
Example for MAG-250:
./img_make.sh 218 "Test_my_version" ../250/rootfs-0.2.18r14 MAG250 ./img_make.profile.mag250
Example for MAG-256:
./img_make.sh 220 "Test_my_version" ../256/i256-splash-7.7 MAG256 ./img_make.profile.mag256
By default, update and automatic software update is performed on the factory version.
“Software update” in “System settings” - By default, updates on manufacturer version. It is recommended to change URL of your firmware image version. Variable: update_url
“Autoupdate module” from “Settings” in main menu - By default, autoupdate is turned on and initialize update to manufacturer firmware versions. Update also available in manual mode.it is recommended to turn off or change URL to yours. Variables: autoupdate_cond
, betaupdate_cond
. Read more - Software autoupdate module
Variables cheking system - With purpose to increase security and control variables changing it is recommended to check necessary/critical variables while firmware version loades (for example: portal1
, portal2
, update_url
, autoupdate_cond
etc.). Read more - Checking of environment variables while loading
The program gpg is used for working with keys and creating the digital signature of images. gnupg.org, GNU Privacy Guard - Wikipedia
To transfer the key from one device to another you may use the following commands:
gpg -o opsecbin.KEY --export-secret-keys ID_Key
gpg --import opsecbin.KEY
gpg --list-keys