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Support for proxy-server “Udpxy”

Because of the features of IEEE 802.11 can not be used for transmission of multimedia streams in the form of broadcast traffic. Therefore, for the transmission of multimedia streams on wireless IEEE 802.11 standard is used mediation server (proxy server), which can transmit streams as unicast traffic.
For the end-user task is to install in the subscriber's router-class “home router” or “router SOHO» with the support of the proxy desired type. To date, the market offers a variety of routers that are suitable for this task. For example, consider a home router ASUS RT-N16 to connect the STB MAG-200 on a wireless network providing access to IPTV service operator (operator uses multicast for the delivery of multimedia streams).

The use of a home router «ASUS RTN16»

Traditionally, before using a router it has established an alternative firmware. For example, in our case it will be called “Firmware from Oleg” is widely known in the Internet community (use to find specific information)

Configuring the router

After specifying the basic settings to open the router configuration page, tab «IP Config», next «IP Config ‐ Miscellaneous».

In the «IPTV UDP Multicast to HTTP Proxy Port:» specify the port number under which the proxy server available.
Field «Enable access from WAN» adjustable on the situation. For typical applications it is desirable to remove the selection (disallow use of a proxy server on the WAN side port).
After this adjustment is complete the router, you must apply the settings and reboot the router.

Setting STB

In the configuration menu STB

Choose the tab “Wireless settings”

and set the wireless network settings. After you need to connect a supported Wi-Fi adapter to STB and make sure that the wireless network is functioning. \ \ Check the status of your wireless network by selecting the tab “Network INFO”

After setting up a wireless network you can configure the proxy server support. in the configuration menu, select the tab “Advanced Settings” and set the option “Multicast proxy enabled”.
in the “Multicast proxy URL”, enter the proxy address.

The proxy address will be used to convert (process “transparent” to the user STB) the multicast resource requests to the proxy server.
Thus, instead of using multicast resources STB uses a http request to a proxy server. As a result, there is no need to use the multicast traffic in wireless networks.

en/stb_webkit/faq/mulicats_proxy.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/17 11:23 (external edit)