To edit the channel select «Edit Entry» (yellow button on the remote control).
To delete the channel select «Delete Entry» (The green button on the remote control).
(«Solution»)specification is used to display access to the video stream selected in the channel (this channel). Specification of access, is a string that specifies how to access this resource.
More information can be found in the document: JS API MAG200 (Rev 1.20).pdf (Section stb.PlaySolution. page 19.) (Appendix 2. Video content formats and examples of use. page 89)
Type of “Solution” | Description |
auto | Automatic detection of the type of content, container, codec by the givern URL, if the URL begins from rtp:, udp:, rtsp:. |
rtp | Play the string in the format MPEG2TS. If URL begins with rtp: , the RTP stream shall be played, if it begins with udp: , the UDP stream shall be played. |
rtsp | set required codecs if additional information on the stream is present, for example, H.264, AC-3 ,etc. |
ifm | Play an audio stream Internet radio |
fm | Play audio from MPEG-TS stream (udp:, rtp:) |
ffmpeg | Play files in various formats: avi, mkv,mpg, mp4, mov, wmv, AC-3, mp3. |
ffrt | Play MPEG-TS stream from the http server. |
ffrt2 | Play streams with http, rtmp, … container but there may be no MPEG-TS. Looping content is always on (SetLoop(true)). |
ffrt3 | Similarly ffrt2, but assumes no realtime stream. That is, with the ability to position itself on the content. Suitable for playing back videos from YouTube. |
Streaming specification shall be as follows: rtp space(gap) URL.
for example:
rtp udp:// rtp rtp://
For access to the stream with RTSP-server specification shall be as follows: rtsp space(gap) URL.
More information can be found in the document:JS API MAG200 (Rev 1.20).pdf (Section stb.SetupRTSP page 35)
for example:
It is also possible to use “Solution» - fm, ffrt, ffrt2, ffrt3. Depending on the type of streaming.
To edit the channel select «Edit Entry» (Yellow button on the remote control).
To delete a channel select «Delete Entry» (The green button on the remote control).
for example:
If the channel list is not loaded:
from a USB drive or from the available network resources (USB-storages «mount» automatically in «Media Browser» or «Home Media», Local Area Net resources are available in SMB-browser-«SAMBA» in «Media Browser» or «Home Media»); File Format: m3u, UTF-8 encoding (recommended)
#EXTM3U #EXTINF:0,HD Media ffmpeg #EXTINF:0,HD Live ffrt2 rtmp:// #EXTINF:0, RBC ffmpeg mmsh:// #EXTINF:0,ORANGE SPORT INFO TV ffrt2 mmsh:// #EXTINF:0,Радио Гора ifm