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In the Puplic or old (before 0.2.14-r8) versions:
Login: root
Password: 930920
Port: 22

Attention!!! Beginning from version 0.2.14-r8 the changes were implemented in security and update system.
SSH is locked - In manufacturer firmware version (firmware version, which is provided by manufacturer for autoupdate and update from internal portal).
SSH is open at standard port - In Public firmware versions, Public firmware version is provided in
New instructions and utilities for custom firmware making

SSH - change password, port, disabel/enable

Change port

  • MAG250/254/270 - /rootfs/etc/openssh/sshd_config
  • MAG (Broadcom based) - /etc/rc.d/rcS.d/S60netsrv. In the line dropbear you need to specify the required value off SHH port. For example: dropbear -p 2222.
  • MAG (HiSilicon based) - /etc/init.d/S81dropbear. Line TARGET_BIN=/sbin/dropbear change for example to - TARGET_BIN="/sbin/dropbear -p 2222"

Change password

1) Login via SSH on STB

2) Run passwd and change password

3) Run cat /etc/shadow and copy the part from string starting from root

4) Past copied string to /rootfs/etc/shadow (rootfs that you will using to building firmware)

Disable SSH

Delete script etc/rcS.d/S30ssh and /usr/sbin/sshd

en/stb_webkit/faq/ssh_login_password.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/09 12:53 (external edit)